James Madison University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about James Madison University is the interaction between faculty and student. Although the ration between professors and students is obviously outnumbered, the amount of interactions is unbelievable. Everyone, from janitors to the president of the university, is friendly and easy to talk to.


JMU is the best institution for providing activities that do not promote drinking and partying. We provide fun, exhuberant comedians, mind thrilliing concerts and movies right from the theatres for free. Instead of promoting alcohol and drugs, the University Program Board does an excellent job in stretching the student's mind to new levels. We give more than just classes which help students relax and have fun, yet also increase their awareness to help change the world one step at a time.


The opportunity to meet different kinds of people who are different from you. The acceptance of these people is obvious on campus, which is comforting when you're not like the vast majority of the people around you.


Everyone is extremely friendly, especially the professors who expect and promote participation in class and in the community.


There are so many great things about James Madison University but one of the best things in my opinion is definitely the people. Everyone is so nice here. People will go out of their way to hold the door open for you, smile at you even if you do not know them, and professors are beyond willing to help you with whatever problems you are having. James Madison has the southern hospitality going for it everywhere you go and draws people in from all over the United States.


The college campus is like a community or a family. Even though it is a big college, you get personlized attention and you are not just a number.


The thing that is the greatest about JMU is that the people are so friendly. Everyone loves JMU, and it shows, everyone is bleeding purple whether it be supporting the sports teams, wearing JMU gear around campus, or just talking to people around campus. Everyone is friendly, happy, and upbeat. The school does a great job of creating unity amoung students, and it really does show.


The diversity. I'm involved in the alternative break program and everyone is working towards a common goal of helping the world, but we are all so different.


The student body. Everyone is super friendly here and the girls are extremely attractive. You can go up to anyone and start a conversation which is strange because you don't do it anywhere else but here at JMU. I love everyone here


The people exude a constant deluge of friendliness, comradery, and school spirit. The student body is enthusiastic, positive, supportive, open-minded and always eager to convince you that JMU is the best place in the world. The faculty is kind, accessible, and knowledgeable about their fields. Most importantly, everyone on campus is incredibly supported. After my mother and brother (a JMU student) were murdered, the support and sense of family was beyond what I could have expected anywhere else. This is a campus that takes care of people and protects their wellbeing.