James Madison University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about James Madison is that it's the perfect size because it's not too small where you know everyone and it's not too big where you need a GPS to get around campus! I like that the school is top notch academically while also having the reputation of having a great social life. Also we're fortunate to have high quality on campus food, an attribute that cannot be overlooked.


The people that go there and the classes offred.


I love the fact that everyone is so nice and willing to help out their peers. It is a very friendly atmosphere. Guaranteed you will never get a door slammed in your face.


My school is very student-oriented and very diverse. There is always something going on on campus that does not always have to be alcohol related. There are clubs and organizations aside from the greek life that help the students feel that they have somewhere to go to find their niche.


The people are friendly and accepting. everyone is always happy and smiling


The school spirit. It is very obvoius that every member of the JMU community loves this school. There is an unlimited amount of things to do and people to meet. Classes at this University truly allow students to find what they are passionate about. They push students to achieve their goals and set up fulfilling futures.


Very research focused, lots of activities other than drinking, low greek population, overall friendly people


For the most part, the classes are taught really well. There are a lot of general education classes which force students to be exposed to many different fields. This allows some people to find new topics of interests that wouldn't normally be considered.


The school spirit. Everyone has it, everyone showes so much pride in our school.


I believe the best thing about our school is the people who attend and the accessibility of the professors. Eveyone here seems to understand each others needs and that they share a common thread. We all want to suceed. The professors want to help us achieve our goals. They are there if we need extra help or have any other problems.