Johnson State College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Johnson State College!


Johnson State is a very tight knit community with people from all over the country and everyone truely cares about eachother. The staff want to help the students in any way possible to reach their goals and be the best they can.


Johnson State College is a unique college. Everyone on campus has a personality of their own and aren't labeled. I like this about JSC because there is a lot of emphasis on judging and labeling in our society, but at JSC we work hard to move away from those norms. The students and faculty at JSC are content and enthusiactic when it comes to learning about what they are interested in. JSC gave me a new look at what college is truly all about; I don't think any other college would have been able to give me this.


small, nice surrounding community


Its fun and friendly, and the programs are intriguing .


It has nice views, small classes, and is cheaper than some of the other colleges in Vermont.


very small community, everyone's friends.


I know everyone on campus. It is like a family. not a lot of schools can say that.