Johnson State College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Johnson State College?




Many students don't work to their full potential. I have seen students slide through their classes without attempting to get help for the troubles they may be having. I feel like many students aren't as motivated as I am. I wish they held themselves to a higher standard.


It's a tough toss-up between the food and the dorms. The dorms are not powered with wireless technology, and the food is fairly miserable. The professors are easy to get to though, and tehre's plenty of free time to be had.


The arguably best program on campus is Wellness and Alternative Medicine--it draws in the most out of state students and boasts one of the highest average GPAs. Strangely, though, it gets passed over for many grant and equipment requests.


A complete lack of any college-like atmosphere... at least acedemically speaking.


academic advising and teachers


You can never get ahold of ANYONE in the business office or the financial aid office. My financial aid is over 2 and a half months late. VSAC has sent them the same form 6 times to fill out in order to dispurse financial aid and they have not done so. I have called 5 times now to ask and remind them about it ! I am 3 months late on my rent and since there are no jobs in this small town. I reley on that for food, rent, and other living expenses!