After attending college for one semester one aspect that caught me off guard. The amount of reading that is needed in college is unbelievable and sometime can feel impossible. High school has some reading that needs to be done, but that does not even compare to the reading in college. If I could go back in time, I would give myself the advice of reading over the summer before college starts. You can not just slide through college, you must be able to work hard. Some other advice would be to get to know as many people as possible during your summer orientation. Nothing is better than getting to know your future classmates. Having people that you can get along with before you even start college can help make the transition into college much smoother.
Harbor no fear. Dont' fear smoking or drinking, but don't fear looking like a loser while abstaining. Don't fear or dwell on whether or not you're going to get laid, and don't be afraid to turn a girl down if you don't care about her or care too much. Don't fear the sense of swagger that comes with waking up in a girl's bed, covered in hickeys, and don't fear the solitude of waking up alone. Don't be afraid to pursue a passion, and don't be afraid to remain content. Don't fear; it'll make your dick soft and it'll shut you up when you should be screaming at the top of your lungs. Most importantly don't be afraid because you don't know a single goddamn thing, because that's just the first step.
Kaitlyn, There is a big world out there waiting for you to make a move. At this point, I know your thinking about just surviving until graduation and choosing the school that you will be at for the next 4 years. I've been there, I've seen what future your choices hold. It is unimaginable. You will learn so much more in the first year and a half at Juniata than you ever thought possible. Not all of this is through success, and most of you learning will come from when you fail. You will fail, not necessarily in the academic sense, like you won't get F's so just chill out, but you will face obstacles and not always rise to the occasion. You will disappoint people, and yourself once or twice. However, you need to remember that you will gain wisdom. You will learn to care less about the opinions of others, you will see how important it is to follow you dreams, and you will finally understand that you are worth the work and the pain. Failure is neccessary for success and remember God and your parents are always on your side. Integritas & Agape.
My advice is to choose a college that you think will give you or your child the best possible experience. There are many schools that are well known that people assume to be the best but this is simply not true. While an Ivy League university may very well give you or your child a good education they will most likely not provide the best possible experience. College is a time for study, it's true. A time to prepare for one's upcoming life in the world. But college is also a time to explore oneself, to enjoy one's time in a new place and seek out exactly who they are. I applied and was accepted to an Ivy League institution but I chose Juniata College because of the community. The administration is wonderful, the education is excellent, and most of all I'm comfortable there. I feel like this college will easily become a major part of my life not only because of the opportunities it will provide for me but for the wonderful memories I will have of my time on campus
Just choose a place that you'll have the most fun, it's suppose to be the best years of your life don't be miserable for it.
Students mainly should not go to a college that they know their friends are going to attend. College will probably be one of THE best moments of your life, but you shouldn't waste it away not studying. Don't choose a school if you have heard it's a partying school because partying will not feed you with ambrosia in the future when you graduate. Find a college that specializes and emphasizes on what you truly want to pursue in the future and don't judge it by appearances. Schedule an overnight stay as a prospective student. You'll know when you find the right college.
Some may say that deciding on the perfect college is a difficult process, which it very well can be. For me, the process was trying, but coming to terms with myself made the selection of my school easier than inticipated. I always tell prospective students to not worry about every detail of every school they look at. Narrow your choices down to a few schools, attend over nights at the schools and choose the one you find yourself the happiest at, the one that you can really picture yourself at. If you find the school you really love, you will find a way to make it work financially. When you are at the school you love, one can really make the most of the college experience because they become more driven to do well in their studies. All in all, do what makes you happy because speaking from experience, you learn more and make the most of your life because of this.
For an individual to find the right college for themself they have to do three main things. First they must decide the size and location of the perspective colleges. It is important to attend a college where one feels at home and can both imagine themself studying and relaxing. Second they must consider the average workload a student will face when attending the perspective college. Often schools that demand more work out of their students will have better reputations on a graduate level. A perspective student should consider the maximum amount of work they expect to be doing. Lastly it is very important to consider the cost of attending the institiution. Remember to consider financial aid when considering schools. These are the three things that I did and I am very happy with my choice of college because of it.
follow your gut second, logic first. You just need a degree. College is fun anywhere if you want to have fun. Go somewhere good, but don't waste too much money on a good name.
start looking early and think about what you want to get out of college