At Kansas State, most professors will know your name within the first month or two of classes unless you are in a big lecture hall. Class participation is extremely common and if needed, professors will take the time to meet with students individually outside of class to discuss material. I have done this a few times to help understand material I didn't quite get in class. My major/department is Bluemont Hall, which is the College of Education, and I am studying Elementary Education- ESL (English as a Second Language). I try to study every day for about an hour total to cover all my classes. This sometimes turns into an hour and a half or sometimes two hours. Outside of the classroom, conversations are both interesting and intellectual. These conversation sometimes turn competitive, especially in the classroom in discussions. Students are competitive about their subjects. Passionate would probably be a better word. One class I took was called Human Development with Dr. Kelly Welch. It was probably the most interesting class I've taken so far. I'm sure I'll have more to come seeing that this is only my second semester here at K-State. Dr. Welch was passionate and extremely open about things that are sometimes shunned or simply not discussed, such as childbirth and sex. The education provided at K-State helps towards whatever career one is going after. The administration ensures students are enrolled in the right classes and get all the material necessary for the course. Not only that, but the instructors are passionate and enthusiastic. The academic requirements are challenging, yet attainable.
The academics are amazing! I give Kansas State so many props to their educational standards. I have yet to have a bad teacher, be it Doctor, Professor, or GTA. They have all been amazing and I have learned so much. The majority of my teachers I have gotten to know on a first name basis. Large lectures are a little different unless you choose to go into office hours, but in my major I know half the faculty by first name. In class participation is also a very common occurance as we like to dialogue and get involved with the material. It really depends on the class how much this happens. Also if the class is early in the morning there is always bound to be less talking than those in the afternoon. Studying outside of class is an essential. You are always bound to find people at Hale library no matter what hour of the day or night you go. I seem to always be at my desk or in a practice room and if I decide to venture to Hale there is always someone I can call that is already there studying their heart out. Don't get me wrong we have social lives as well!! We just know what it takes to keep those grades up before we go have fun. Going into my major a bit, I am in the department of Music. We are by far in the top 5 of busiest students on campus. We are either in class or seminars, at recitals or lessons, attending or performing in concerts, or if were not there you can find us in the studio practicing. We don't mind doing as this as it is what we love to do. The faculty know this and thus give us all of these opportunities to heighten our experience. Once you get involved in this department the faculty are bound to know your name. I know all of the voice faculty by first name, and the majority of them know me. All of the GTA's call me by my first name and have asked me to be in positions of authority, so it really makes you feel welcome and gets you involved. In concerns of preparing your for the real world KSU does a great job. They have multiple career fairs and internship opportunities, they have study abroad programs and competitive scholarships for Graduate study. We have recently switched to the K-State 8 program which is for incoming students core requirements making it easier for them to get their core requirements before jumping into their major. Overall I couldn't put Kansas State University at a higher standard for their academics.
Professor Kelly Walsh is the best here at K-State!
The academics at Kansas State University are the best part! Classes cater to everyone. Some are huge lecture halls that easily number in the hundreds, while others are small classroom settings similar to high school. There are also medium-sized classes for students who enjoy a little bit of both. I've taken classes that ranged from all of these sizes. The instructors care about their students. In the small classroom setting, the teachers get to know you quickly and learn your name. Of course it's harder for this to happen in a huge lecture hall, but sitting in the front or meeting with an instructor during his/her office hours can easily take care of that. I've come across some excellent teachers just in my first two semesters here. Something I and many others appreciate is the fact that there are wonderful teachers in every subject, and in required classes. The quality of teaching can be just as good in a general education class as it is in an advanced class specific to a major if you get the right teachers.
To be successful in any class, you will have to study, study, study. On average, I study about 4 hours a day. The material that is taught can sometimes be difficult depending on the class, but there is always a purpose to it, be it preparation for a job or learning for learning sake. The students are much more competitive than in high school, which in an institution of higher learner, benefits everyone.
Academics are awesome! I'm in architecture and the classes for it are tough, but I learn a lot. Courses for a particular area of study are well sized and you can get to know your professor easily. General education courses are usually larger than I would like them to be, but the learning atmosphere is still great. Architecture design studios, which I take one of every semester, are my favorite classes. In these classes I am in a design studio with other architecture students and we work on assigned projects at the direction of our professor. This class is a really time consuming class because of the amount of time needed to spend on projects, but everybody in these studios is passionate about design and architecture, so the atmosphere is great.
K-State class size and student faculty ratio rank among the best in the Big 12. Many of the classes I take have students with less than 30 students in them. Of course, there will be the large lecture halls with 100's of students, but I've had pretty good experiences with professors working to make sure that students are learning.
As a public relations and marketing major, I'm extremely pleased with the amount of class participation in class. The typical lecture format seems to have gone by the wayside and now a more progressive, beneficial and conversational style has been adopted that allows students and professors to collaborate and work together.
Over the past semester I developed great relationship with two of my public relations professors. They've helped me re-format resumes and cover letter and have shown me a couple cool places to apply to for when I graduate and are even willing to put me in contact with some people at those companies. An internship is required to graduate in public relations, so I feel like I've had some real experience that makes me more marketable upon graduation.
K-State also hosts one of the largest career fairs in the Big 12 which opens up lots of job opportunities after graduation or internship experiences over the summer.
I feel like I've been challenged at K-State, but is hasn't been so grueling that academics took over my life. I've had plenty of opportunity to get involved in other aspects of college life and enjoy my time here.
i am currently majoring in music education. my professors knew me by name, class sizes weren't too big, and there is tutoring or help when needed for free!
Academics vary depending on the college you are in. Currently, I am in the College of Education. I was also in the College of Engineering for 2 years before I realized it wasn't exactly for me. In most classes (with exceptions of a few gen-eds) the professors know your name. Every single professor I have encountered has cared and wanted to help as much as possible. It is nice for when extra help is needed or if someone just needs to talk to the professor outside of class.
Like I noted earlier, K-State is sort of split up into colleges. Once in these colleges, people have an even greater opportunity to meet someone with similar interests. I love that K-State does this!
I have always had wonderful advising experiences, too! The College of Education actually has appointed advisers who only advise! This means that they can focus purely on our academics and schedules and everything else!
K-State is prestigious for many of the programs and has options for everyone. Even if someone is undecided, it is easy to take general education classes to help them figure out what they are fit for.
Academics are fairly personalized at KSU. While lecture halls can exceed 200 students, as you get further into your major, almost all classes average 20-30 students. You can walk through campus and into a classroom and be greeted personally by a professor. These small classes make it comfortable for students and easy for total class participation. Professors almost always make themselves available outside of class for time to talk about academics, or just life in general. For example, my current Italian professor hosted an Italian dinner at his house for students interested in coming.
Average students usually take a night or two out of the week to travel to the library to complete homework. This is a great chance to complete homework but also to socialize with friends and meet new people.
Here at Kansas State University class sizes can range from large lectures to small classroom settings. K-State does an amazing job of keeping their class sizes small for the most part, with the average class size 23 students it is extremely easy to become close to your professors. I have multiple professors that know my name even after the semester in which they taught me and are always checking in and making sure that my college experience is going well. Large lecture classes all have what is call a recitations once a week as well where students will have a small classroom setting of 20-25 students as well as a teacher's assistant to go more in depth over lectures as well as assign homework. This service is a great benefit to students because they will always have a small classroom setting where they will be able to contact a teacher or professor at any time. With class choices from accounting to astronomy it is easy to find your academic niche here at Kansas State University. Personally, my favorite classes are Leadership Studies.
Kansas State University has a one of a kind minor known as Leadership Studies where students can grow culturally and develop themselves to be stronger leaders within the workplace. The Leadership Studies minor is one of the few nationally as well as the fastest growing minor here at K-State.
Academically Kansas State is known the Ivy League of the Midwest. As the leader in Rhodes, Truman, Marshall and Udall scholarships the University has proven it's success in academics.The colleges of architecture, engineering, as well as our interior design program are all top 10 programs in the nation as well as the College of Education ranked first in the state. Kansas State University also the largest medical school acceptance rate from undergraduate in the state at nearly 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.