Kansas State University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Kansas State University?


The point of going to college is to further your education but after your time here, a job is in your future. I am currently a freshman and getting a job in the "real world" seems very far away but even in my first semester, I have been in contact with future employers and the Career and Student Services already. K-State makes it difficult to not have a career in your future and they prepare you well for it.


It's obvious that our courses are not as rigorous as other top colleges, but K-State academics can challenge our students to do their best and still be able to take away something from the course they take. There are an array of classes to consider enrolling in, and class size is typically between 15-30 in a major-driven course. I love my major in Family Studies and Human Services, because the classes are fun, easy to understand, and the professors seem to truly care about the students and our success in college. K-State focuses on tools and skills to help us succeed out of the college realm, and students learn how to be strong and independent leaders in life. It's just awesome. Plain and simple.


My overall academic experience has been great at K-State. The teacher's in my major of Business Management have been attentive and dedicated to my personal success as a student; if I put forth the effort to learn they've put forth the effort to make sure I understand. The only area I've been disappointed with in my 4 years at K-State was the math department. The teacher's I've had are so smart that they have had trouble relating to students. Fortunately for me K-State has FREE tutoring available to all students on campus. The greatest classes I've had an opportunity to be a part of were the Leadership Studies Minor classes. These classes have opened my mind about and allowed my leadership abilities to grow to a new level. By understanding that our backgrounds make us unique is has allowed me to understand more clearly how to resolve conflict and lead a group more effectively.


I'm in alot of large lectures right now, so most of those teachers don't know my name. However, I'm part of the smallest department in engineering and they all know my name which is astounding to me. THere is always studying going on, but the big majority of it occurs around finals and midterms. Theres also someone always playing or having a good time. Sometimes at the same time. In my department, Bio-Ag Engineering, we are around our instructors a lot. We had picnics and they help with the different design projects. I don't know about all the other majors, but with mine, everything is always tied back to how it applies in the field. It's nice because I'm one of those people who want to make sure what I'm learning actually matters.


Being in the College of Architecture the relationships between students and professors, as well as students and other students is unbelievably close. There are about 180 of us who spend entire days and even weeks together becoming a family with not only classmates but with intructors. This also makes te major very competitive because that number quickly dwindles. The requirements are exhausting but coming out of K-Sate with a degree in architecture makes it very easy to get a great job.


Classes are challenging...as they should be. College is not easy like highschool where you can bull your way through. Teachers are always willing to help a student who is struggling. I love the tutoring option. Professors communicate well with students. If one has a question, they can easily email their teacher and have quick responses! Not one teacher was unwilling to help me if I had a question or was struggling in class.


I think at K-Sate you get the chance to build the right background for an amazing career as you learn many other things maybe not completely related to what your job would be. just from interacting with other students you can learn things related to their fields, plus you can easily find frequent speakers that visit campus to give speeches in a great variety of fields.


For the most part the professors here are fantastic. They are willing to give up their time to help you if you need it. Even more importantly most of the professors love the subject that they are teaching and that always makes class more fun.


I really enjoyed the classes in the Family Studies and Human Services department. Classes like Human Sexuality were really interesting. There is a lot of open class discussion and interaction with the teacher.


The professors at K-State have many students, but if you take the initiative to meet them they will remember you. They are very much concerned about the academics that they are teaching their students. They take pride only in the fact that their students are succeeding. Some classes can be a little boring, but if you go in with the right attitude then you have nothing to worry about.