Kansas State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are hundreds of organizations to become involved with on campus making it easy to meet new people. One of the most popular way to meet new people is by attending athletic events or getting involved in greek life. There are however, many many chances to attend theater event, lectures, and concerts on campus.


There is always something going on!! Aggieville is a blast, so are house and frat parties! What is so awesome about K-state is that it is such a "chill" environment that you can go out and sweats and no one will care. Just being with our firends and having a good time is all it takes. No one cares if you're dressed up or in sweats...that doesnt matter!


There is all ways something you can find to entertain yourself around campus, there are dances going on, parties, and its nice to check out the activities the halls set up. There are many options that don't require you being over 21. Depending on the hall you're in or weather you live in the halls at all, diferent opportunities take place. The bottom line is you will be able to find something to do, in any case, you can just chill with your friends.


I am most involved in athletics. In my opinion the most fun social events are sporting events like football games and basketball games. While tickets for football and mens basketball can be expensive there are also free sports like baseball, women's basketball, and track and field.


The only way i met most of my friends this year was through my sorority. I didn't meet one person that I became friends with living in the dorms. It may have just been the specific dorm i lived in (Boyd) but my sorority (Pi Beta Phi) was where all of my friends and social activities came from.


There is always something, every day of the week, every week of the year that you can do at K-State. Athletics, academics, social settings, activities, events. It does not matter, you can always find something to do.


I decided to live on a cluster floor with other students from my major. I found that not only did students leave their doors open, but there was always people dropping in and out of everyone elses rooms. If someones grandma sent them extra brownies they would take them down the hall and ask if anyone wanted some. If someone had a question about a physics problem they could knock on their neighbors door and ask if they knew how to help. Its a very open environment. Athletic events are like religion. If you are not there than you have nothing to talk about for the next week, especially if we win. On Fridays theres always a movie showing at the Union for only $1, and they do "after hours" events which is where students can go if they don't want to go party. There are concerts and salsa dances, we've even been known to play giant games of campus hide-and-go-seek. Off campus we go four-wheeling with friends or go splash in the water at Pillsbury crossing when its nice outside. When you're stuck in a classroom all week, you're going to want to get outside as much as possible on the weekends.


I am actively involved in the Chi Alpha student ministries group at K-State. It is a very friendly group of individuals that make any strangers feel welcome.


The university is across the street from the historic shopping district Aggieville. During the day it's a great place to shop and hang out. At night, there are bars with live bands, or coffee shops with a great variety of musicians from every corner of the town.


The social life at k-state is always moving. There is always a sporting event, there are plays and concerts on campus, The k-state union is always holding some sort of event. The rec center is always busy with people working out or playing basketball. And don't forget about Aggieville.