Kansas State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Greek life is very popular on campus, though I am not involved with it and do not feel any outside pressure because of it. Another popular outlet are clubs related to major. K-State definitely does a great job finding ways for students with similar majors to get together and discuss career and class-related issues. And again, Aggieville is a popular fixture. Many students flock downtown to the bars on the weekends, hanging out casually with old friends, or possibly on a mission to find news friends and dating prospects.


Intermurals is popular to participate in on campus. Greek life houses a large amount of K-state students with-in their organizations. There are also many, many clubs that students are involved in, if it be with the residence halls, their major in particular, or special interest clubs. I am involved with the organization Association of Residence Halls, or ARH, where I act as president. We help with events, policies and other such things concerning the residence halls and their students. Many student in the residence halls leave their doors open, its a way of welcoming others in to talk, ask questions or just stop by. Athletic events are very popular on campus, a large amount of students attend such things as basketball games, football games, volleyball games, and so on. Guest speakers are also popular, but sometimes it depends on who is speaking. Theater is another even that is depends on the show for how much of a turn out it recieves, but I have attended many sold out showings here at K-state. I met some of my closest friends first in the residence halls by living down the hall from them or living in the same room as them. Also I ahve met many friends through my sorority Alpha Xi Delta. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am probably studying or cramming for a test that I have soon. The amount people party at K-state is based on the individual person. Some like to go out many times in the week/weekend, others only once, and others not at all. I personaly believe that sororities and fraternities are a great way to meet many other people and be involved on campus and with other organizations. Last weekend, I mostly hung out with friends and finished any homeowkr I had to be done! If you do not drink there are still many things to do on a saturday night. One option that comes to mind is that the Student Union offers a movie on some Saturday nights for a small price that you can go see, you can also go out to eat, go to the rec, the list goes on and on. In my time off campus, I see friends, go out, go to the lake when its warm, shop, etc.