Kansas State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kansas State University know before they start?


Knowing what I know about college life, I would tell myself that you need to adapt pretty early. College is pretty scary at first but it turns out to be the best time of your life because you get to make all of the choices of what you do about homework and going to class. But, don't get caught up with all of the fun activities, you still need to take time and work on your grades. You can't let them slip because you can't afford to fail.


Stay focused on your goals. Boys are not the most important thing in the world. The right guy will show up eventally. You need to be an independent girl who is eduated and can take care of her self. Try different options in college before picking a major. Spend time with Grandma Phyllis, you never know when things might change. Stay in town for school, WSU isnt want you think its going to be, and you will need the support of your family to make it through the long struggle of college life. Stay positive, never look back, and ALWAYS tell the ones you love how you feel about them. Things are not forever, make the best of what you can now! Enjoy your friends, they will slip away, and you will miss the fun you once had. Never give up on your dreams to be a college graduate, and a mom, and a great daughter. Stay strong, even though bad things will happen over the next several years, try to focuse on the positive, and the good that has come from those things!!!


I would tell myself to prepare financially first, college is not a cheap endeavour and needs proper planning money wise. In high school numerous people told me that college was expensive, however you don't really grasp how expensive it is until you experience it first hand. Another thing I would tell myself is to learn how to study correctly. In high school I was able to not study for tests and still do very well on them, in college you can't get by as easy. Studying is very important and is necessary to succeed in school. If you work hard on studying, go to class, and manage your time well, you will have the best oppurtunity to succeed. All of this is important, but I would also tell myself to have fun and meet people. College is a great place to make friends and meet new people. It introduces you to how the rest of the world runs. I would tell myself that college is a wonderful place; if you do all the right things, it provides the best preperation for life after school.


If i could go back in highschool the first thing i would do is manage my time, because when i was in highschool i didn't care much about my education. i always hanged out with my friends and when it was time for an exam i would cramp my self and do poorly on the test. if i managed my time and was more serious i would get a 4.5 GPA in highschool even taking AP classes


I would tell myself that college is the time where you really learn about yourself and learn to live on your own. At college, you will be exposed to many different viewpoints, things and experiences both good and bad, and many different people. It is at college where you will form the basis of your identity for you future life and who you are. Make sure to get involved with campus groups related to your major and your interests. Take full advantage of these groups and study abroad opportunities. When an opportunity presents itself, go above other students and take it. Think to yourself, in ten years will I regret doing this or not doing this when I look back at my college career? Don't be shy; go out and make friends, some will be lifelong and some will be potential co-workers. Get involved with a church community and work on your faith and beliefs. Many of the things you will be exposed to at college do not coincide with Christian beliefs and values, but it is up to you to decide how you will react and how you choose to live.


The university setting is an exciting and everchanging experience! The anticipation of college is surreal as there are many emotions flowing - anticipation, nervousness, financial stress, etc. I recommend two key things to obtain the most from a college experience and life in general. Work hard and have an open mind. Working hard allows you to keep many doors open through achieving good grades, obtaining good references, and keeping a good reputation around campus and the community. However, keeping an open mind is equally important as this leads to true enjoyment through spontaneity. Many of my best experiences in college have came through things that I did not anticipate doing in my college career such as studying abroad, taking road trips, extremely late nights at the library. These days and nights allow you to form unbreakable bonds with peers and in the future these people many times will end up being the ones that will set you in your career path. The connections that can be made from these events are priceless. So go on and live life - live the college life to the fullest!


Hey, Rachael. Congradulation: you made it through high school. I'm so proud of you because I know how hard you worked. However, I've got some news: you're not done yet. During the next few years, you are going to work harder than you ever have before. I understand that academics came easy to you during high school, but college is a different world. You are going to have to use all of your brainpower. But don't get discouraged, the best time of your life is ahead. You are going to do things and make friends that you can't even imagine now. Did you know that your best friend is going to be from a foreign country? You are going to learn so much from her and be a great help to her in her transition to America. You will also make mistakes. Some of them are going to be big ones. All I can tell you is to remember everything that you have been taught and to use your God-given intelligence to make good choices. But don't ever forget to follow your heart. These will be the best years of your life.


I would go back and tell myself to look at my options. Do more research and not just choose on where your family goes. Take a look at all your choices and make sure when you choose a college it is the right college for you.


I have always believed that hindsight is twenty-twenty. There are many things that I see clearly now that I wish I could go back in time and tell myself about. Perhaps most important of these things would be to tell myself how truly important trying to excell in high school is. I was young and had no rational plans for the future, college being a frivolous idea that my parents, teachers and councelors tried to jam down my throat. It took me a long time to realize what my actions were doing to my future and I certainly have paid the price for my mistakes. So if I could go back to high school I would say, apply yourself, do the best that you can even if you can not yet see the long term rewards. My biggest mistake in high school was being blind to the long term goals in my life. But life is clearer now, college is not the demon I thought it would be and I am truly proud of myself. I now look forward to the goals I know I can achieve.


I would have pushed myself to try harder in high school. I was gifted enough not to have to put much effort into classes to get B's and A's. With that being the case I never pushed myself to get as many A's as possible. This hindered my in my transition between high school and my undergraduate career. On top of that, it also left me short GPA wise, of a lot of potential scholarships. Making that transition was very hard on me, because for the first time in my life I had to study to get through classes and I had no idea how to do that. It took me all of my freshman year to figure out that skill and left me with a 2.3 GPA. Once I figured things out I kicked it into gear and graduated from Kansas State University with a 3.15.