Go to class!! There is nothing more important than going to class, no matter how easy you think the cirriculum is, the key to success is to keep an open mind, and dont let yourself believe you know everything there is to know in life, because you're about to get a rude awakening. Hale (library) is more like your first home, you will be sleeping and spending about 65{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your time there bring a blanket maybe a pillow, food and lots of water. Strangers may just be the answer to your prayers, if you have a question dont hesitate to ask, everyone has questions you aren't the only one. Call home often remind your parents how much you love them and keep them updated with your life.
Thinking back to senior year of high school I didn't take college so seriously. If I could go back and talk to myself one thing would be to think more positive about my future college experience. Some advice that I would tell myself would be to not worry so much about the transistion because it's really not that bad and the people on campus were more than willing to help. Also that paying for college wouldn't be as stressful as I thought because the college really provides many financial aid options and works with you on your payments. You also have advisors there to help you along the way. Not only are they there to help but the advisor is in the department of your major so they know exactly what classes you need to take. Do your research and find the colleges that fit your interests and needs and then go visit them and see what they are really like and if you think you would enjoy living there. Find out more information and ask questions while you are there!
For me this is a very simple question over the last two and a half years I have thought alot about what I would do differently if I was allowed to go back into time and give myself some advice. I would first of all tell myself to take school much more seriously. I would then tell myself to take writing classes more serious since college is based alot on writing ability and also with scholarship activities it would make it so much easier to write applications. Then I would also let myself know how much more challenging some professors can be. Lastly I would still give myself the advice to have fun and live life to the fullest because you only get to be in college for four years of your life.
I would tell myself to get a job sooner and to take a bigger course load, 15 hours instead of 12 and my junior college. I would tell myself to live in the dorms because there will be a lot of really interesting people that I'd meet. I wouldn't change the school I go to even though it wasn't my first pick, and I would tell myself not to slack on the homework. I would also tell myself to get my independent business going so I wouldn't have to work while in school or work very little at least so I could focus on my studies more and also be able to enjoy things like going to a football game or a house party or even just time to hang out with friends or play a pick up game of volleyball. Instead I have to work most of the time when I'm not in school. That's definately not something I had planned to do. College has been enjoyable but the decisions I made between high school and my 4 college should have been better, I would have been able to enjoy everything more.
If I were able to give my high school senior self advice, I would be sure to include the following bits of knowledge that I have gained from my experiences at college:
-Get a campus map.
-ASK QUESTIONS. You are paying professors to teach you- they are, hypothetically, your employee. Don?t be scared to ask, someone is always confused; it?s the people that ask that understand.
-You have to work very hard sometimes. Buck up, it will pass.
-TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Don?t panic.
-Get help BEFORE you fall behind.
-You get out what you put in. This includes classes and social life.
-No one has to know that you have no idea what you are doing: act like you own the place.
-Stay positive.
...and last but not least...
-Stock up on Ramen Noodles, macaroni and cheese, and cereal.
If I could go back in time to help my senior self make it through college, I would tell myself several things: First, I would tell myself that money is going to get tight in college, that I should start saving right away. Second, in order to help with the money situation, I would tell myself how I was able to achieve time travel. Publishing the latter would surely help with the former. Third, I would tell myself to take exactly the classes I?ve taken, but to decide earlier that English and Philosophy is for me. Fourth, I would tell myself to take things, as Jefferson said, by the smooth handle. Fifth, I would tell myself not to put off talking to my pre-law advisor, that she could help immensely in deciding classes, etc. Sixth, I would tell myself to live on campus the first year. My apartment will be nice and comfortable and quiet and I will learn how to cook exotic dishes, but nothing can replace the experience of living in the dorms. Seventh and finally, I would tell myself that time worth spending is time worth spending well. I hope you've enjoyed this time.
As a high school senior I was confident that my first year at college wouldn't be the same as most others. I did not believe that the courses wold be as hard as I was told or that falling behind would be so easy. Although my teachers, friends, and family all told be that the way I was preparing for the new chapter of my life way completely wrong, I refused to believe them. I knew that I would succeed the coming year. I was wrong. College began smoothly. I attended classes and tried to make friends, but soon this changed. I awoke late one morning with no one yelling at me that I missed my first class. I had freedom. I could stay out late on a Tuesday night and no one would care. I could do all the things that my parents never let me. Suddenly smoking, drinking, and the college party-animal had its claws in me. My grades slipped so did my old friendships. Looking back now I wish I could slap myself and then calmly explain that yes college will bring freedom but don't abuse it. No one holds your hand in college.
If I could go back in time and make new choices about transistioning into college, I would pay more attention to pertinent information and try to develop a better understanding of my major, financial aid and other processes in college. I also should had investigated my major options and the best path to take to obtain my major. Although I have acquired more knowledge by taking classes that are irrelevant for my major, I would have been able to get through school faster and could potentially already have a profession. Had I chosen the best path to take to receive my degree, I would be teaching children and having a huge impact on the lives of the children I encounter. I think it is important to fully research all of your options before jumping into college without any direction. The important part is that we learn from our mistakes so we can better our lives and grow to be a better person.
I would tell myself that the work loads in classes vary greatly. There might be tons of work in one class and another might only meet a few times during the semester to take exams. I would want to further prepare myself to be more open in talking to people and be less shy. After being at Kansas State I have realized what great opportunities there are to meet people all over the world. I would tell myself to get involved in different organizations around campus. I missed out on a lot my first semester so being involved early is always a plus. I would tell myself that people change from their senior year to first year of college. Some of your greatest friends in college could be someone you probably never would have hung out with in high school. Best friends from high school will most likely go on their own path for college and not to worry. Enjoy campus life and the college experience. There is so much to do and see and it all starts in the beginning. Don't be afraid and take each day as it comes. STUDY!!
Brandi, the myth that you hear about college is just high school with dorms is absolutely false. However, you can have just as much fun like you are having in high school thus you have to work harder than a normal office job. But before you reach college there are a lot of preparations needed to get there. First make sure you have excellent ACT/SAT scores because you can get extra scholarships and grants this way. Also make sure you have several college entrance essays written, most colleges use the same essay topics. By completing these things early, you can focus more on selecting colleges. Then around early October, start applying for all your top schools, make sure you have set aside money or fee waivers for your application fees. Depending on the schools acceptance letters should start arriving sometime between December and April. While you are waiting on the acceptance letter to arrive, in January after your parents have received their tax return forms go ahead and apply for FAFSA. Then throughout the remainder of high school and summer, apply for more private scholarships. Then make sure you have fun and relax before the big arrival date.