Kansas State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kansas State University know before they start?


In high shool I was the typical jock who did what he could to continue to play sports. I had little confidence in my academic capability since I was told I had a memorization & speech problem and was placed in "handicap" classes from elementrary through middle school. Now, after earning my Bachelors, Masters, and working towards my Doctorates I would tell him you have the intelligence just like anyone does to go far in life. Books & classes aren't obstacles, their evidence-based situations/scenarios/truths about how life came to be and is today. The only way to realize this is to step outside with a book because a classroom or library makes you feel like these are the only places you need to know this information. You learn best through real life experience, mind-mapping, and repitition. How you made it through highschool will not work in college. You will get a 2.0 that way like I did and then realize you have to grow up. Do everything in life in moderation. Dedication will always get you father than intelligence. Don't be afraid to talk to your professors, they will bring you far.


The most helpful advice that I could give to myself is to ask questions. I was fairly clueless as far as college life, financial aid, and the transfer hours. However instead of asking someone to try and get and understanding of all the different aspects of the transition from High School to college, I felt that the questions I wanted to ask were stupid so i shied away from asking. This was a mistake. There is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to things as serious as continuing you're education. Don't be afraid to ask questions and the transition to college life will be a lot easier.


First off, let me just say that what you think is hard now or important will mean hardly anything to you once you get to college. All of that high school drama is just that and nothing more. You will find a mix of mature and genuine people who do not just look out for themselves, but will be there to help you as well if you are in need. Don't let comments bring you down, because in the end, it is ultimately up to you and the choices you make. These choices can and will influence how others see you, and you will do better in school if you make the choices you think are right instead of going along with the crowd. Other then that, just enjoy yourself and have fun. High school doesn't last forever, but by the end if you work hard you will be prepared for that next step.


As a current college student, I would first tell myself about the abundance of scholarships that are given more to freshman or first time college students. Colleges and universities have better financial packages for these students and being that I came out with a 4.2 GPA; I would have still had the opportunity to go to a four-year institution without any financial concerns. The second thing I would tell myself would be to only take courses at a technical college that you definitely know will transfer. Although I enjoyed my technical college experience, I should have been certain about which school I would be transferring to and their transferring credits’ list. I took several courses that just became electives at certain colleges. In the end, I can only make do with the future which will still allow me to become a future educator. I still look forward to completing my college degrees and becoming successful. In the meantime, I have advised future high school seniors and graduates to make sure they do not have these same or similar issues in transitioning and beginning college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school , I would advise myself not to procrastinate about my future. I would remind myself that I have always had a passion for cars and knew that i wanted to work on and customize them. I would tell myself no matter how hard life gets always pray to God and have faith in Him. Also to have faith in His plan for your life even though you may not always see the big picture , just remember He does. Knowing what i know now i would start college that first fall and jump right into the Automotive curriculum instead of taking Industrial maintenance classes. However I would let myself know that I finally do get on track and start Automotive in the fall of 2010 and will graduate in the summer of 2012. Man that sure will be a happy day!


I would advise myself by saying, There is being financially smart, and then there is being downright afraid. I attended JCCC because it saved me money, but mostly because I was afraid to leave home. Take chances you know would make you happy. Take your grades more seriously, as well as the ACT. Stop acting like this is your last year until freedom, its the last year you have to be a kid and enjoy all your friends right next to you. College is too important for the average person to flunk out and party all the time. Take it seriously as well. On a personal standpoint I would tell myself, to not let the girl go. It only got more complicated once she left. Apply for scholarships like this one, there are people out there who want to help you. You are being too proud for your own good and you need to shut up and accept some help if it's there. Trust in God, learn to let go doubts, to let go worries, and trust that as long as you believe and follow Him things are going exactly as He intended for them to go. God Bless.


If I could go back to my senior year in high school, I would tell myself to be more prepared for college then what I was. I would tell myself to be more on top of all the scholarship advantages then I was. Also to make the time to do the community service hours that were required for the scholarships. I would tell myself to be prepared to do the certain things on your own. That college life is way different than high school. The high school life there are still people guiding you on which road to take, as in college the decision on which road to take is all up to you. If I could go back to myself in high school and tell myself this, I believe that I would be more prepared for the steps I have to take now.


If ii could go back and I talk to myself when I was a high school senior I would tell myself to look for more scholarship outside of school to help pay for what is not covered by school scholarships. Also I would tell myself to work on saving money and getting a job on campus so that I could have spending money and money to help pay for what was left after scholarships and loans.


I would say to my high school self, slow down. You don't need to rush through college. As you begin your freshman year, choose undecided and figure some things out. Take classes in different departments, join clubs, apply for more scholarships. There is no reason for you to get ahead of yourself. You should take all the time you need. The only thing waiting for you is more responsibility. Take time to figure out your passions and what is driving you and choose a major that fits. Please understand you do not have to settle for a major, or a job that you don't like. You have the ability now to determine the freedoms you will have later. Take things in stride. Make sure you take time to meet with your advisor and other campus staff. They will be your greatest asset if you let them be.


I would tell myself to work hard and take classes that challenge you. Learn as much as you can in high school, it will make things easier. Pay attention to your teachers and the advice they try to give you. They are not just telling you stuff to hear themselves speak. Try to have good study habits and surround yourself with positive people. Write for scholarships and do internships and volunteer for as many community projects as you can. Networking can help you meet people that can possibly help you later on in life. No matter what work hard keep your head up, and no matter how hard school gets, keeping trying and you will reach your goals.