Kaplan University-Davenport Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Kaplan University-Davenport Campus?


online there is no one to help you when you need it


Job placement post graduation.


all the writing that has to be done on the discussion boards and assignments


To me as a Kaplan University student online campus the most frustrating thing about school for me was the seminars . The seminars was frustrating because they tend to kick me out alot in the middle of the seminar and had alot of technical difficulties during live seminars.


Kaplan is a great school with excellent professors.


Attending college is very rewarding to me. The most frustrating thing about school to me is managing it along with a full-time career and family. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but in the end is very rewarding! I feel blessed to be able to attend college!


Financial aid! They seem to have too many students to give much personal help. Plus with the classes running on a 10 week schedule, the financial aid is always late.


It takes a lot of dedication and planning to be an online schedule. If you get behind, it can be very difficult to catch back up.


Financial aid confustion


Sometimes the lack of communication between the departments within the college can be very frustrating.