Kennesaw State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kennesaw State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


The stereotype of students at KSU is that we are not as smart as students who attend other colleges. This is not true. We are an ever expanding student body with many intellegent students.


There are many common stereotypes of different types of people who attend Kennesaw State University. All of the above pertain to certain groups of people. However, these stereotypes are generally inaccurate. Most people who attend this school are hardworking individuals who are here to get there education in hopes of a secure career in the future.


The stereotype of students at Kennesaw State University is that people who attend KSU are not as intelligent as people at "more prestigious" universities. The assumptions are that people only attend KSU because they did not succeed at their previous university, or because they are trying to raise their GPA so that they can transfer to another university. This stereotype is not true, as is evidenced by myself. I did attend a university before coming to KSU, but I simply did not like the other university, and I wanted the diversity of students and degrees that KSU has to offer. I am also not here to raise my GPA so that I can be accepted into another college; My GPA is high, and I plan on graduating from KSU. I know many other intelligent students at KSU who are here because KSU is a great school that is affordable and reputable.


The common sterotypes that exist at Kennesaw State University among the student body seems to be an every growing jock oriented student populace. While there are many different types of students that represent a microcosm of American society.


There are numerous stereotypes at our school, but the majority includes students that are in Greek organizations.


There are a wide variety of kids at my college. It is more of a college for people right out of their high schools who don't want to or can't travel far. I've heard my school called a party school with a lot of people involved in sports and Greek life. I'd say this is not accurate. There is a very wide variety of people who attend.


The stereotype is that it is a simple school for students from middle class families who come here because they are either too lazy or not smart enough to go to another school. However, I am a 4.0 student and a Nursing major. I have a met a lot of people who are neither lazy or ignorant. I can honestly say that there is a lot of hard working students here who came to college to succeed.


I would say that they are a mixture of overachievers and underachievers with very little in-between. Some students work really hard to get good grades while others put down those who work really hard to get good grades. Those others are happy turning in their 15-page paper that they wrote the night before it was due. However, those who work really hard care about what they are doing and what they are going to do in the future.


People say that KSU is a party school, but it is not


A lot of the students who attend KSU are commuters because they can't afford to live on campus or have families to take care of. But you should befriend all, not just people your own age, but all different kind of students.