The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Kennesaw State University is 58%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would change a lot of things about my school work and focus in high school to better equip myself for college. First, I would save money so I could prepare myself for the financial toll that the unversity process takes. Housing, required meal plan, gas, books, and tuition add up over time. It is very diffucult to try to work enough hours to pay for necessities and get all of your school work done. Second, I would practice better study habits during my high school year so I would know how to retain all the information given by each class to be confident once tests arrive. Lastly, I would be more envolved with my school more. I partcipated in sports a lot but I wish I would have been more active in other aspects so when I got into college I would have a drive to continue in these activities. In conclusion I would have better money management skills, study skills, and school participation so that my transition into college would be a more wholesome experience.
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Describe the students at your school.
Most of my classmates are young and irresponsible.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
It is more of a commuter school.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known about how many students attend the school. It is a pretty big campus with a lot of people. This is also a great thing for you get to meet a lot of people who share the same values and career goals as you. You are in constant contact with people of different ethnicities and backgrounds, which really makes you a better person. This is because you get to interact with others and learn more about them and where they came from.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about my school is the professors. Most of them have open office hours and are willing to help in any kind of way to help their students succeed. Students have lots of resources on Campus to help them accomplish their goal.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Really fun and all about being culturally diverse.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person who prefers small classes and a small, tight student body should not attend this school. The school is far to large and has an extremely high population. It is also primarily a commuter college, so there are fewer residents than most colleges.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The location of the school. It's in a suburban area and only abput 25 minutes from Atlanta and it located across the street from a major highway.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Someone who wants a small school experience and plans to continue their education elsewere.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
All residential housing has private bedrooms. All the other schools I applied to didn't have that, so that made Kennesaw really unique. You get to have your own space and never feel crammed.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The rediculous classes required for a major. My world history degree requires five foriegn language courses, which only take up my time and energy and cost money for classes I really need.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best known for its ability to balance both rigorous coursework and an incredible amount of extra curricular activities on campus. We always pack the stadiums for all of our sports and cheer one another on. School is always students' number one priority to ensure success in such an intellectually challenging environment.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
I would say that they are a mixture of overachievers and underachievers with very little in-between. Some students work really hard to get good grades while others put down those who work really hard to get good grades. Those others are happy turning in their 15-page paper that they wrote the night before it was due. However, those who work really hard care about what they are doing and what they are going to do in the future.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The amount of students enrolling and matriculating at our school seems to be growing exponentially each year. The open enrollment poicy should be curtailed and the school should start accepting students more selectively,especially based on merit, not location of students' home residence. There is a growing need for parking because of this open enrollment. A fair but innovative parking lottery system should be implemented and enacted very soon to address this growing problem.
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What are the academics like at your school?
The academics at Kennesaw State University are challenging, but not overwhelming. If students are looking for an easy ride through college, they could probably find classes to suit at KSU. If the students want a challenge, they can also most definitely find that at KSU as well. I am pursuing a career in paleoanthropology, so my classes are fairly difficult. My professors are quite flexible, though, and they work with me if I am struggling. They also have offered to contact their associates at other universities to try to find opportunities for me that would help me with graduate school acceptance and my future career. The upper level major courses are my favorite classes because I am studying about my favorite things. I love learning, though, and I have found many of the general education courses surprisingly interesting. There are so many professors at KSU and so many classes offered that you are bound to find a class you will enjoy even if it a subject that you do not enjoy.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
I can't speak for much being a School of Music student, but fraternities and sororities are very popular on campus.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decided to go to KSU because it has a really nice nursing program, and this school is really renovating itself. The campus is really beautiful and it is relatively close to my home. I also really liked the dormatories and the people when I came here for a college visit with my school. Kennesaw State University also gave me enough scholarships for the first year and I did not have to pay for anything.
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Describe the dorms.
The dorms at KSU are really nice; they are more like apartments than typical college dorms. The dorms in which I live are set up with four individual bedrooms and bathrooms, with a living room area and kitchen as the main part of the apartment. Other dorms only have 2 bedrooms, so you could choose to share an apartment with only one other person. Some of the dorms have two bedrooms with a kitchenette and a shared bathroom and no living room; these are a bit more like typical college dorms. No pets are allowed in any of the complexes. Some of the dorms are substance free, and others are not, in which case you could have alcohol if you are over 21. The dorms come with cable hookups and ether net plug ins, as well as telephone jacks (all of which is included in your monthly rent except for the telephone, if you choose to get a land line). The dorms in which I live have a clothes washer and dryer, a refrigerator/freezer, stove/oven, and dishwasher in unit. Other dorms only have a select few of those appliances. My dorms also have dressers in the bedrooms, a large desk attached to the wall, and 2 long bookshelves attacked to the wall above the desk. They are quite nice dorms, and everyone is always surprised that college students here have such nice accommodations.
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When you step off campus what do you see?
When you step off campus you see a Waffle House, numerous apartment complexes, gas stations, plenty of fast food restaurants and dine in restaurants, a WallMart, and also the Town Center Mall.
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What's the dating scene like?
There are a lot of really cool people here from a girl's point of view. I have personally seen a lot of really good looking people here, girls and boys. Everyone is really nice and easy going. I found a really good (and good looking) boyfriend my first semester and I have never had one before. I would say it is really easy to get dates here as long as you do not stay in your room all day. And from what I have seen, people here are always looking to find someone to spend their time with. Also from a boy's prespective I have heard numerous times that there are a lot of really pretty girls at KSU. Although KSU is not a party school, it is really easy to meet people every day, I know I do.
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