The best thing about KSU is how pretty it is up here, the friendly people, and the awesome professors. They actually care at KSU and class sizes are usually small.
The best thing about my University is the professors. The professor here at Kennesaw State Uninversity are very friendly and helpful. They are always willing to aid any student with their specific troubles and issues.
The professors. The professors at Kennesaw are nice, neat, organized, informed, helpful and open to all opinions expressed.
It's location in Colorado and the city it's located in.
The best thing about Kennesaw State University is that this university is a small commuter school with few distractions. This is an excellent school in which you can attend and get a good GPA in order to transfer to another school. Along with that though there are many events that are held which allow you to be able to mingle and make new friends. All of this is great in a school because it makes a great stepping stone in order to acheive your life goals.
I believe that the best thing about KSU are the many activites that they have to offer. They have a number of intermural sports, as well as major teams for the school. But at the same time, their fraternities and sororities do a lot around campus and bring a sense of community to the school. Also, there are many church programs that are allowed to take place in the school, encouraging students to experience new beliefs. Lastly, their study abroad program is really great. It really encourages and fosters civil engagement and global civilization for the next generation.
The best thing is the dining hall, right now. It just opened this semester, and even though it's a mandatory meal plan, the food is great, and it's a great place to just hang out! The meal plans are pretty diverse, as well, so that you're not just stuck with something you can't really afford.
The best thing about my school is that there is so much to offer. It is very diverse and has a club, sport or any kind of organization to fit anyones likes and needs. We have great teachers that are willing to help and that make class interesting and fun to be in.
The student-teacher ratio. Most classes are smalll so you are able to contact the professor easily.
I love how involved everyone is at this school...well, most people. I am inovolved in a leadership group at school. Everyone in it is awesome and wants to make a difference in the community. I like that the school is close enough to my house so I don't have to pay rent somewhere else. Everyone at this school gets along and listen to each other's opinions. I also like that this school has a major that I am interested in. All of the professors in the education department are awesome and help out a lot.