Kent State University at Kent Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Kent State University at Kent? Why?


I strongly dislike smoking and there are no smoking patios where people smoke.


I really love the campus, the worst thing about my school is the high tuition rates for out of state students like myself and the advisors in the fashion program. I feel like they don't have an attitude of help or success when it comes to advising. It makes me not want to ask for help even though I need it.


Small Town.


The worst thing about my school, Kent State University, would probably have to be the residence halls. I stayed in the freshman residence halls first semester and it was the worst part of my first semester. I had a roommate who was extremely loud and nothing was ever done about it. However, I switched residence halls second semester and I am much more comfortable. I have no more complaints this semester about my living situation. I moved to nicer dorms with my own bathroom, and my roommate is much more considerate.


I think being kind of far away from home is difficult sometimes. A lot of students tend to go home on weekends and it can sometimes get lonely do to the campus being so vaccunt and quiet on the weekends.


The campus food prices. If you work a campus job, but can't even afford to eat there it seems kind of ridiculous.


There is not just one thing that is there worst thing about Kent State. To be compleltly honest, there is nothing wrong with Kent State that I would change if I could. If there was one thing that could be changed it would be the climate that Kent State is in.


The worst thing about my school is the weather. It's constantly cold and snowing and the sidewalks are never plowed.


Off campus housing is hard to find and pricey.


The worst thing about my school would be the tuition. I come from a family that doesn't have money and not to mention I am on my own. I have no help from y family and it is extremely stressful. I am currently fighting for the money to stay at Kent State University, and unfortunately I am losing the fight. I really hope that I received this scholarship because I really want to make something of my life. I don't want my family to face the challenges that i had to face growing up.


The worst thing about my school is the huge class sizes. I learn a lot better in classroom with less students because I feel more engaged in the material. Leture halls allow me to zone out and not pay as much of attention as I should be.


The worst thing about my school is that there seems to be a lack of leadership/ extracurricular activities for part-time graduate students. As an undergraduate, I was very involved with campus activities, along with those in the surrounding communities. However, as a gradutate student, who lives an hour away and is on campus once or twice a week, it is nearly impossible to be involved. It would be nice if their was a way to be involved, voice opinions, etc. via technology options.


There's not anything I consider the worst thing about Kent State University. It's such a diverse school with a very welcoming staff and enviornment.


The worst thing about the school is the sub-par snow and ice removal. While walking across campus to class it is difficult to walk in snow, slush and on ice for a good 10-minute walk. Especially while walking up and down hills, it is very easy to slip and fall because the salt is non-existent. To make things worse, the wind is incredibly strong and so the combination of the wind and snow on the ground while walking makes it a huge challenge walking to and from class.


Honestly, I just hate how cold it can get and how far you might have to walk to classes in the winter. Other than that, I've had a few professors who I wish I never experienced. I had a couple of classes I had to take that weren't for my major that were beyond boring.


The worst thing about Kent is that the social life is centered on greek life and parties. If you are not interested in those things, Kent may not be the best place for you.


The worst thing, and probably my only complaint about Cuyahoga Community College, is the fact that the student body is not as large or diverse. Four year universities have much more comradery amongst students then Community College's would. By attending a university, you have the opportunity to live with a bunch of kids that are the same age as you. This gives you a great opportunity to meet new people and make long lasting friendships. At community college's the student body consists of only those that are in the community.


The staff is kinda of crappy and theres not much to do.


The worst thing about Kent is that whenever you bring it up to anyone, they always say "Oh like the Kent State shootings?". It gets rather annoying.


The worst thing about my school would have to be the food choices. The reason why I say this is becasue there are a decent amount of places to eat while on campus, but the quality of the food can be awful.