Kentucky State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kentucky State University.


I have noticed that my classmates are mostley outgoing and are serious about their studies.


The classmates that I have at night are a mix of students fresh out of college, and older students who may be returning to college after a number of years.


My classmates are all determined and focused on getting their degree.


KSU is a small but, friendly university. Surround yourself with students that are focused and recognize their own goals. I've learned a lot through study groups and sharing notes. Use the resources around you, communicate with your professors , and understand that you don't have to be perfect. Everyone gets discouraged but, motivate yourself , succeed for yourself, and you will go far!!!!


Hardworking, dedicated, and want to succed in their goals.


The classmates at my school are all boisterous and envious of one another.


Very intelligent, from all walks of life,backgrounds,resourceful, assets.


Studious Slackers


my classmates are the best and everyone gets along really well and they are so helpful.


My classmates vary greatly dependent on their background and the subject of the class we are in.