Kentucky State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Kentucky State University.


My classmates are wonderful to be around, and to study with before taking an exam.


fun friendly and outgoing


Students at Kentucky State are unfocused and unaware of the challenges that lie ahead, after college.


My classmates are up to par to the studies.


My classmates are cool. They want to learn more about their education. They take their education seriously, instead of them playing around they ask the professor for help, they visit the professor at office times, they are respectful, and they want the best for them. My classmate can be sometimes noisy at times, but they still get their work done. I can concentrate more with my classmates because they ask the same questions I would have asked, they work as a team, and they participate going up to the board writing problems, or writing complex, compound sentences on the board.


The classmates at this university are nice, some are respectable, helpful and mindful of their goals in life.


The classmates, I have at Kentucky State University are very outoing.


All my peers are intellgent as well as kind in many ways.


My classmates are there just to be there, not really enthused which is really strange because they are in school because the want to be.


Some very focused, others not at all.