Kentucky State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I think the best thing about KSU is that the professors really try to help you. They will meet with you outside of their office hours and make sure you are understanding the material and assignments. They also truely care about your success and future.


The best thing about tidewater is that we just got a brand new school with everything new.


The class sizes are small making it easy to get to know everyone in your program area.


It's away from the bustle of big city life.


that its in my hometown


I consider the close bond of the students and faculty the best thing about the school. Smaller classrooms helps with having more one-on-one time with professors and allows for group discussion and friendly interactions during class. I appreciate the "family-like" atmosphere of the Kentucky State University campus and the many resources that can be called upon regarding serious isssues including financial aid, residence life, student life, and the student govemment to name a few.


The level of school spirit that everyone has. People who play sports or play in the band always have the support of the student body.


Keuka College is a small campus which really gives the student a chance to get to know their professors and get the help they may need. Because it is a smaller campus you get to know many people and many discribe it as one big family. While it is a small campus there is still much to do and get involved in, and you get to know people and make many friends. With a smaller student-teacher ratio you are not just a number to a teacher but they know who you are and are able to provide help.


The best thing about this school is that it is close to my home and allows for me to stay with my family.


The faculty are incredibly personable and helpful! Classes are small, so you actually develop friendships with your classmates and professors. There are lots of resources and staff available to help you with research, assignments, personal life, and academic goals. And there is a such a wide variety of majors/minors programs to choose from!