Kentucky State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I would consider the bulidings at KSU one of the best things. If you go in any building, you can use a computer. In Exum, you have class, workout, fun, and swimming. In my opinion all of the buildings on campus are there to help you.


Kentucky State University puts the student first.


The best thing about my school is how much school pride the students and faculty have. That is what's best to me because if a school doesn't have school pride, then I don't think the people will come together to support their school.


that it is small and that the teachers know who we are as well as have time to help us out.


Core Classes are not demanded to be taken first and classes for a major can start as early as the 100 level core classes are completed


I love the rich culture that we have here as well as the christian base activities. Teacher as well as students are alway willing to help you with anything, it could be as simple as directions to specific buildings. Also the small class sizes are great because my teacher got to know me on a personal level and we are able discover my strengths and weaknesses from the begininng.


The best thing about this college is that the school is there for the students they care about their futures and their success in life and their future careers.


The best things about my school are the people and the learning environment.


I consider the friendliness on campus to be the best thing. on my campus. Everyone doesn't always get along, but for the most part people always speak as they past, even if they don't know who you are.


the best thing about my scholl would have to be the people attending and working here. I say this because it's nice to kno you have people that care around you.