Kenyon College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kenyon College?


I think there's a bit of a "preppy rich kid" stereotype, but also that we're very smart, to the extent of being nerdy and esoteric. We're also sort of a milder version of Oberlin students.


There is an assumption that Kenyon students range from being very nerdy kids to almost hippy activists.


A big one is that Kenyon is boring or lame or not special because it's in Ohio.


Not many people of heard of Kenyon, so there aren't too many stereotypes. People used to think Kenyon was a bunch of hippies, and it was, but not anymore.


Kenyon tends to carry the stereotype of being a place for rich preppy New Englanders.


I suppose some people might think there are loads of trust-fund hippies at Kenyon. And sometimes the English majors are stereo-typed as being a bit full of themselves because our English program is quite famous. However, for the most part, I think Kenyon students are stereo-typed as being enthusiastic about learning and generally disdainful of discussing grades and marks.


Outside of our circle of elite/semi-elite liberal arts colleges, I don't think there is any. Nobody's heard of us. Inside it, we like to characterize ourselves as quirky friendly community-oriented intellectuals.


Kenyon students are typically termed a little quirky, a little goofy and a lot talented.


Because of its location, Kenyon is often seen as a step up from a farming school. Surrounded by pastures and fields, many people assume that Kenyon is a rural, Amish buggy sort of place. As for the students, they're seen as either hippie ultra-liberals or over-privileged, self-entitled rich kids with no appreciation for what's been given them.


Nerds, great swimmers, great writers.