King’s College-Wilkes-Barre Top Questions

What should every freshman at King’s College-Wilkes-Barre know before they start?


There are accelerated programs for kids like you, go talk to your counsler. I know you're depressed and all this seems meaningless, but if you apply yourself now college will be even easier for you. Try harder accademically, take some AP classes and stop being lazy. The pattern your falling into right now is just going to make things difficult for you when you're my age, bro. Get yourself a good planner, stop procrastinating on all of your homework and go to bed at a reasonable hour before you drive yourself crazy and drop out! Also, I recommend planning on going to community college rather than state, you'll learn a lot of things about life that the four year transfer kids will miss out on until they're much older. This perspective will help you make a decision with what to do yourself. Good luck, little one.


College is about disovering who you want to become. It is a time of trial and error. Don't try to be perfect. Don't try to fit in or stand out. Don't worry so much about making everyone happy or seeking approval and praise. This is one opportunity you have in life to just "live". Be spontaneous, live outside of your comfort zone. Figure out your likes and dislikes and what you want for your future. Be outgoing. Meet as many friends as you can, expand on your knowledge as much as you can. College is a place with no biases or stereotypes. It is a chance to truly experience the world, so take advantage of it.


As a high school senior, much like any senior, I had the tendency to not put my full potential in my work, even when I was taking AP and honor classes. I took for granted my high school and how easy it is and assumed I was smarter than most individuals, not realizing that my high school is one amongst millions in the nation. While I did do all my work and managed to be 6th in my graduating class, I feel like I did not put as much effort into actually learning the materially, rather than memorizing. I have learned this to be my biggest challenge in college. As a science major, learning and understanding concepts is much more valuable than being able to recite terms. This brought on a struggle for me in my first semester, becoming accoustmed to new study habits and spending several hours a day studying rather than an hour the night before the test like I did in high school. If I had been able to learn basic concepts in high school especially in chemistry, I would of had a much easier transition into college.


College has been a tremendous experience. I feel that my professors' priorities are to teach. They are always open-minded to questions and available for extra help. This has given me so much confidence in my schoolwork. Through my hard work I have ascertained a 3.85 GPA and feel that I could not have achieved this without the support of my teachers and peers. I also volunteer on campus and within the Wilkes-Barre community. I am president of the Blood Drive Club and an active member of the Education Club. It has been a fulfilling experience working with fellow students on various extracurricular projects. Also, for the 2nd year in a row I am a big sister through Big Brothers/Big Sisters to a young girl in the community. This relationship has been invaluable to me because it gives me the opportunity to share my time with a child who does not have to feel alone all the time. Volunteering has been a truly rewarding part of my college career especially when my time has been so greatly appreciated by others.


A school that is successful in fulfilling its mission statement - to develop its students holistically - while allowing me to fulfill my own goals, is extremely invaluable. As I applied to King's College, I selfishly focused on the academic curriculum and what my education would provide for me as far as being hired post-graduation. I have come to appreciate that my hard work over the last four years was not purely to reach my own goals. King’s has taught me the value of community, where our accomplishments can work towards a common good. The knowledge and skills that I have obtained while studying at King’s College will help me give back as a member of my community. This idea started small, starting out as a freshman on campus, being a friend to my neighbor, to being a teammate on the volleyball court, to being a tutor for my classmates, to volunteering in the community. As a professional, I will continue these same ideals through improving the quality of life of my patients, as I utilize my degree in Physician Assistance, and my desire to help others, as King’s so helped me achieve.


While my first semester is complete at King’s College I have acquired a lot. King’s College was the only College to accept me. I applied to six other Colleges and Universities, but was denied admissions because of my SAT scores. From my experience so far at college, I have become more self reliant, responsible, and accountable for my decisions and grades at college. Through my first semester I have learned that studying is a huge part of my life currently. Without reading textbooks, or going over class notes I would not be eligible for college. Studying is very important and demanding, the more studying you allow yourself before a test, the more likely you will do better on that test. Cram sessions will not get the grade expected compared to high school. For me attending College is very expensive, but valuable. College will give me the possibility to become an elementary school teacher. I have learned to value my parents for helping me get through college finically. Along with my professors who are providing me with a fantastic education. Without the opportunity of college I would never fulfill my dreams of teaching.


My college experience has been great so far I have made many close friends which I will keep for the rest of my life, I learned a lot about myself and how to stand on my own two feet. I learned that your education really does make a difference in the "real world" even though my parents have been telling me that for years. I learned so many life lessons that I would not have been able to if I did not go to college and further my education. Least to say I was not the best student in high school so I made a pit stop at a community college along the way and it was some of the best years of my life I was able to get my grades up, go on trips with sports and clubs, and join various activies and recieve my degree at the end of my two years.


From companionship from fellow dorm room mates to learning how to live within a 10 x 10 space. Excellence in faculty lectures which engage and motivate have led me to study harder. Kings feels like my home, from the new student relationships to


My college experience has given me an associate degree and a sense of accomplishment. Even though it's only a two-year degree, I feel like I have something on hand that will give me a jump start. I feel confident compared to when I did not have a degree. I learned many skills that are useful for helping others and I also made great friends. College made me realize that there are a lot of things I can accomplish if I want to.


My college experience has given me an incredible amount of real world experience, as well as a great liberal arts foundation. I have spent numerous hours working in the college radio station, alongside our general manager who still works in the industry. She has been a wealth of knowledge, and provided me with so many great oportunities. I have attended press conference's and lectures, and traveled to New York City to talk with media professionals about my future in the field. As the news director for our station, I was able to develop a working staff, and produce over 80 stories in its inagural semester. This school has offered me countless opportunities to get involved, my favorite of which, deals with the incoming students. I have fallen in love with this school, and any chance I get to tell possible students about my experience, is a chance I never pass up. Choosing King's College has been the best decision of my life.