The best thing about my school is the size of it. It is extremely small, averaging 200 students per year level and is also almost a fifty percent commuter school. This enables the resident students to become very tight knit on the weekends and after class. By your third year at King's College, you'll say 'hello' to nearly half of the other students you walk past on your way to class. Everyone I have met is very open minded and willing to get to know other people. This excites me to get out of bed in the morning.
The best thing about my school is the Physician Assistant Program because it is highly ranked in the country.
The people in the administration offices are very very helpful. Especially the adult learning center which caters to returning students. Makes coming back to school effortless.
Kings College is a great school because it is a small college which enabled me to have a personal realtionship with my teachers. The ratio between the teacher to student is 18 to 1. This has always made me feel comfortable asking questions during class or seeking extra help afterward. I am currently into my 2nd year and have achieved a gpa of 3.8. I feel that my success has come from the staff's motivation and my hard work.
The best thing about King's was that there was always someone around to help you no matter what the problem was. The faculty/staff for the most part were very helpful and stood in when students just needed someone to vent to. In my case, I lived at school which was 2 hours away from home, so it was difficult sometimes finding someone that I could trust with my personal business. But, I had amazing professors that were like parents away from home and they guided me through my college experience while I was away from home.
The best thing about my school is my academic program. I am an environmental science major and I love that the program is small and that the students and staff are very friendly with each other. Through the program not have I only figured out what I want to do when I get out of college, but i have also have had many amazing internship opportunities due to the skills i have aquired.
The student to faculty ratio was better than many other colleges, approximately 15/1. It was great to be able to have the professors full attention instead of sharing it with one hundred other students in the same class. Many colleges hold the class in a huge lecture hall while at King's it was in an actual classroom!
The class sizes are just right which enables the prof. to be able to give you an needed individual attention. Most prof. are easily accessible. The campus size is also just right. The buildings arent on top of eachother nor are they widely spread apart that you need a bike to get to and from builidings. It's great because when its cold or rain the walk between buildings is 3 min or less.
It's a close community and most people get along with each other.