Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe how Kutztown University of Pennsylvania looks to someone who's never seen it.


Kutztown University is located in a wonderful, safe town and has outstanding academic opportunities available.


student friendly and extremely accomidating


Kutztown University is a safe, beautiful, friendly, and progressive university to further your education in hopes to become successful.


It's located in a small town and many people on campus are usually students, professors, or staff.


School environment is very welcoming and most times pleasant, although there are some teachers who maintain the classroom lessons with focus of their knowledge and follow with their way of getting tasks done, others are great to work with student's individual skills and give the best motivation to improve student's knowledge base.


My school is an excellent creative and educational learning environment, allowing students to hone their skills in whatever field they choose and explore any hobbies or interests they might have at a place where they feel comfortable, accepted, and appreciated.


A school that truly cares about helping its students excel


It is different, but enjoyable.


The school is great, becaue it provides you with an intimate feel, but there are large amount of experiences and opportunites.


Kutztown Universtity Of Pennsylvania is a college like no other, and an experience of a lifetime.