Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Kutztown University of Pennsylvania?


This school should not be attended by anyone who doesn't want to put forth the effort to get good grades. If you don't apply yourself and study well, you will not have an easy time getting your degree.


There is no wrong person for this college. The people, professors, and ac tivities are extremely diverse. Due to the location of the campus, you get a little bit of every kind of person!


I would say someone who doesn't like farms and cows( and the smell of cows). Because we are surrounded by farms. I come from the city though and it's a nice break from the city. We have a wide range of people at are school everyone fits in, It feels really good that we have so much diversity!


Someone from out of state who doesn't have a lot of money.


Those with no drive. Most of the student population has high goals for when they graduate, and tend to take their schooling very seriously.


You should not attend this school if you expect to just breeze by and not do any work. People look at this school as a joke because of how much drinking and problems there are in Kutztown. You as an individual have to realize that you are in college for a reason and its just not so you can party.


If your not an education or Art major, this school is really not for you. Kutztown specializes mainly in these two majors although they provide a wide range of majors.


Someone who is seeking a research science or math degree.


Some one who is interested in going to a school that is not located in the heart of the city.


Any person that does not want to recieve an education.