I've pick a rich crop of many fruits from Kutztown. A great education in Fine Art with a concentration in Printmaking has given me a vast knowledge about several art forms, including drawing, photography, painting, sculpture, digital art, video, and of course, printmaking. My experiences at Kutztown University have grown my knowlege of a variety of subjects that will help greatly me in the working world, and in family and social life for the rest of my life. Acedemically, school is preparing me adequately for success.
Still the most valuable blessing that God has given me through Kutztown University is faith and friendship, and they have gone come to me through each other. My faith has drawn me to Godly, loveing friends and these friends have led me to a greater faith, godliness, and ability to love. Also God has used art and art making to grow me closer to Himself. Art, for me is a spiritual expirience to meditate on others art as well as my own, and a means of sharing my faith.
I have finally decided what I want to do for the rest of my life. That's big, right? Well for me it certainly is. Helping people and being around children have always been two passions of mine. Combining them into the Special Education Major has helped me proceed to my future career. Although, if it hadn't been for advisment and my fellow peers, I probably would have never known this would be a good choice. My roomate began in this major and made me see a different side to teaching. I honestly think this is what I want to pursue for the rest of my life, and thanks to the friends that I've met and my school I can truly say it has been worth every penny.
College hasn't only been a vast oppotunity for me, but also a great asset. My strongest experience that I can relate college to is a better understanding of the world around me. An understand of what has been done, and what needs to be done in order to progress society and help those who need it most. I have gotton a great sense of respect for the individuals who teach at colleges and how they help to progress society by endowing it with further generations of individuals ready to discover more about our natural world.
At San joaquin Valley college in Bakersfield, Ca i'm learning all the basics on how to be a great pharmacy technician . I'm learning all the brand and generic brand drug names..
Out of my college experience I have gotten to be more independent and I have also gotten to be more educated in my major. I know what I want to major in. It has been valuable to attend because it is on your own terms and you get to arrange your schedule the way that you want to so you can continue with you own life on top of school.
I entered college knowing that I was on my own and no longer had my mother telling me what to do. At first I was nervous that i would not wake up for class or do well at all, however as time has gone on I learned a new form of responsibility. I have always been very responsible with work and helping out at home, but when I started college I learned how to be responsible with my own well being and learned how to survive in life. I am capable of making good choices and fixing the mistakes I have made on my own. It has been very valuable for these reasons and also for the fact that I am making a good life for myself. I am continuing my education and I am in a very diverse enviornment which I believe helps greatly in the real world. College has been a great experience for me. It has made me grow not only to be more educated but has also shaped me into an over all better person.
So far I?ve learned more than just school/education lessons in my first semester and a half of college. I?ve learned how to live on my own, well mostly on my own, which has made me an even more mature person. Some of the most important lessons I?ve learned are life lessons that have changed me in ways that I?d never imagine could in such a short amount of time. I?ve seen people ruin their whole lives already; mostly from drinking and doing other things that aren?t legal. It has shown me that not only is the life others have chosen to live is stupid, but it also served as a pushing force for me to make the most out of my college experience. Therefore, each day I make the most of everything that I?m fortunate enough to have. I?m happy for the chance to further my ability to succeed in life and to make a better life for myself; all thanks to my experiences in college.
I come from a family with no college-graduates, minimal amounts of money, and a cultural-tradition that demeans women as nothing more than housewives. College was not suggested by my parents, but instead by friends from high school that convinced me it would further my success in life (thank goodness I took their advice!) My college experience has not only enlightened me academically, but has also sharpened my mind towards interacting with different kinds of people and boosted my confidence as an intellectual. Furthermore, the challenge of balancing my class schedule, schoolwork, and job strengthened my work-ethic and transitioned me into adulthood. Classroom work such as giving speeches, conducting research-projects, and working in groups allowed me to learn how to adapt in a team-oriented environment and learn respective ways to portray leadership, by taking personal initiative towards getting good grades. All of these are valuable characteristics for any career and would have been hard to attain without pursuing a 4-year plan at my university. I understand that the college experience is not meant to be easy, but instead a rigorous struggle. This way, when it comes time for graduation, I'll feel even more victorious.
College will be the best time of your life. You will meet new friends that will probably be your friends for the rest of your life. You will learn how to put your priorities into perspective. Learn when to study and get assignments done (with no one on your back) and when you can go out and party. Someone once told me that if you read your book and go over your notes before class everyday you will succeed. And you know,, I took that advise and I am doing a lot better in college than I did in high school.
If i could go back in time and tell myself what college is like I would first start off with telling myself to READ! Coming to college, with not having to actually work for my grades in Highschool was a big change for me. Most of a college students time is based on reading and studying. I would also inform myself to take my books more seriously then my social life, even though it is tempting. The transition is tuff and is not a joke. I was not aware of all the freedom that would be coming my way. If I could go back, I would have made sure I read more , practiced on vocabulary and speaking in front of large crowds. College is not so hard once you get the hang of it, but the transition can be tuff and especially if you are moving away from home.