Lafayette College Top Questions

Describe the best and worst parts of the social scene on campus.


The best part is that I always have something to do, and I'm rarely sitting in my room twiddling my thumbs and wondering how I have no friends. The worst part is that drinking seems to be such an integral part of the "party scene," which is typically dominated by certain sports team and largely by Greek LIfe.


The best part is that there is always stuff going on. If you want to have a good time, whether it be with alcohol or without, you can always find something to do. The only drawback to this is that stuff can get a little too repetitive at times, but not for most people.


The best part is that there is always stuff going on. If you want to have a good time, whether it be with alcohol or without, you can always find something to do. The only drawback to this is that stuff can get a little too repetitive at times, but not for most people.


Suzanne gives a quick, succinct account of the social scene at Lafayette.


Meghan and I discuss the social situation on campus and how public safety is affecting the freshman morale.


I give my opinion on the weekends at Lafayette. This is the harshest response yet.


Kameisha, a sophomore, gives a perspective of the party scene from a person who doesn't party much.


Greg, a freshman, talks about Greek life and its overall importance in the party scene.


Ben, a freshman student, tells us what factors the party scene depends on.


A Lafayette students talks about the party scene on campus and how parties are free to get into.