Lafayette College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Lafayette College?


Academics and athletic facilities


I brag about the beauty of the campus- it's an arboretum, and is especially beautiful in the springtime. The accessibility of professors and small class sizes are wonderful and really allow for a well-rounded, enriching college experience. The student body is overall very happy, friendly, and involved, and so I can easily brag about the exceptional peers with whom I am privileged to live, work, and learn.


Whn talking abou Lafayette with my friends, I tend to brag most about the size of the campus. Lafayette is a rather small school housing only 2400 undergraduate students and no graduate students, but the campus is laid out very well and the dorms are not huge, so it feels much bigger than it truely is. Also, I brag that it is one of the top acedemic schools in the country even though it is not one of the most well known colleges. Most of the students on campus are there to learn and enjoy going to class.


The cammpus is beautiful, the available activities are endless, and alot of the alumni go one to achieve great things. I'm proud to be a part of my campus community, and wouldn't trade it for the world.


Lafayette College has an excellent and extremely challenging science and engineering programs. A Lafayette degree in science is something to brag about.


Lafayette is superior academically, our professors love to see us do well


Rankings, reputation, research opportunities


Alumni connections.


It's high academic standing, and small size. There are lots of engineering and science majors


Class sizes, my Posse, the location, my financial aid, the countless opportunities that we recieve, the gym, and the reputation that my school has. we are so green here that it's crazy. i've become mildly obsessed with seperating my plastics from my garbage.