If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I certainly would not waste this exceptional opportunity to chit chat about my past regrets and self-perceived failures. Instead, I would use my advanced knowledge of the future to describe to my young self precisely how to engineer this time machine. Considering what I now know about college life, I would advise my curious self to travel in this time machine to major turning points in history rather than read biased versions of the truth in an oversized textbook. I would thus spark a technological revolution, as well as resolve the whole scientific misunderstanding regarding the 4th Dimension. I would assure my 18 year old self that I am on the right track, and then I would pay a visit to my future self to reminisce about the good old days I spent scavenging for scholarship money.
Greg, do not rush on finding a university to attend, but do not wait long either. Do your research well in advance on which universities have great opportunities. The cost of attendence should not be a deterring factor, but do not pick a program in which you will not be able to pay back your loans. Also, you do not need to pick a program that will pay you a high salary if you complete it just for the meere fact of having a high paying salary, but pick a program you truly believe you will enjoy and research which direction you need to tackle in that program to earn that high paying salary. If you take the right coursework in your program of interest, and prepare yourself the the salary you wish to make in that career, you will find a job with the pay you want. There is a great career position in every field of study. Take the time and hard work to earn that position, and do not think for one minute you are not capable of handling it!
Don't be afraid to socialize. Even before the first day of classes, there are events specifically for freshman. No one will think you are "weird" for trying to talk to them. Don't worry about leaving your high school friends hundreds of miles behind. YOU have dreams. FOLLOW THEM. If your high school friends are true friends, you won't lose touch. Don't skip classes. Go to your professors if you have questions. They DO care. They have office hours for a reason. I would give you more specific advice in regards to who to be friends with and who to avoid, but everything happens for a reason. You may not ever realize those reasons, but that's the thing about life lessons. They can be subtle. Apply for every scholarship you can. Every dollar you don't have to pay back helps. This is your life: enjoy it.
Rosario, I have top-secret information for you, you don’t have to know what you want to do with your life going into college. You may believe you do because your friends and family ask you this many times and expect you to know, but you don’t. Going into college you should be looking for all the opportunities and possible options that may be available for you. You don't need to be in a rush to choose your life's work. What you need to do is discover what you like. You have to work on things you like if you want to be good at what you do. It may seem that it will be easy to decide what you like, but it’s actually difficult, mainly because it’s hard to get a real-life picture of what most jobs actually are like. Being a doctor is not the great drama life of Grey’s Anatomy. To figure out exactly what these jobs are like or more importantly what you will love, use college to explore different academic fields while taking your general education. Use college as a time to find your true calling.
Hacer buen uso del tiempo para tener exito en nuestra carrera y calificaciones, Seleccionar la especialidad y cursos que sean de nuestro interes participar en actividades extracurriculares. Aprovechar todas las oportunidades positivas que senos afrescan para mejorar nuestra vida professional.
If I could go back in time as a High School Senior, I would tell myself to be more outgoing, involve yourself with more activities, talk with more people, and not care what other people perceive you as.
The greatest piece of advice to give to myself is to put more attention and care into grades. They really do matter. Not only in getting accepted to college, but to get more in scholarships. Also, attending more after school programs and clubs, playing sports, and getting invloved in things like Yearbook staff and Prom Committee really do help. Not only do they help you in gaining experience in working with groups and making friends, they look really good on scholarship applications.
Going to college this fall as a sophmore in college I already feel like I have learned so much. Living on campus has opened my eyes to a variety of things that I had never delt with before. Growing up in a small town you know every one's name and their life story. Going to a new school, I had to meet new people and doing so I learned a lot about cultures that I had never thought about before. For example, my room mate was Dutch and I learned about the food their culture likes to eat and some of the traditions they had. I feel like it was very benificial for me to college because of not only what i learned in my classes, but what I learned from the girls I lived with. I will be able to take the knowledge I gained from the classes taken as well as experience in communicating with others. College helped me become the young and responsible adult i am today. with out it I would still neglect other cultures and the importance of education.
I have learned manythings from my first year of college that has helped my grow into the person that I am today. I have learned many valuable life lessons along with many pratcal things that I need to know for my intednted major. College is extremely important for not just me, but for everyone to attend, especially if you are going away to college. Going away to college has tought me to take care of my money, own up to my actions, and take responsability for my school needs. I have learned to become independent. That is very important to me as well.
I have attended a year of college part time. When I went to school it was ten years ago. I wish I would have been older and had more real life experience. I am returning to school now because I want more out of life. My children are school age and now is an ideal time to go back.
I beleive it will be valuable to go back to school now because it will allow me fulfill my career goals and life asperations.