Lee University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lee University know before they start?


To go to whatever University interests you. Don't let any person influence your decision to choose your college. Choose the college that you want to be at and where you feel most confortable. Also, to remember that college is expensive, don't waste any money making crazy decisions.


Senioritis is contageous, so keep graduation your focus. Even when you get accepted into a college , keep your grades up because finishing what you start is important. I know you want to be cool and hang out with everyone, but you will all go your own way and all that's left is what you set yourself up for. Make new friends but keep the old. Listen to mom when she says to make your bed and clean. Learn how to coook more than Easy Mac and Ramen Noodles so when you are out of meals for the week or you are sick without mom, you do not starve. Money doesn't grow on threes either, so don't buy new underwear and socks when your laundry is pilled high. Learn to do loads of darks and lights and don't even try to mess with bleach. You will run totally off adrenaline from being away from home and making new friends freshman year, but for heaven's sake get sleep. Who will be the cool one when you fail out of school? Study more than the night before a test and complete your homework on time! Learn to LOVE.


Listen to your parents!! Take high school physics instead of choir or office aid. Take the hard teacher now while you have less responsibilities, because it will make the second time around (in college) a bit easier. Although high school seems hard, college is comletely different. High school teachers baby you. College professors know what it takes to succeed, so they push you harder. There are not many second chances, so you have to be organized and on time. Also, apply for as many scholarships as you can! It is not fun to try to work off those excessive college bills while trying to get used to college life. The essays will have been worth it when you don't have to work like crazy to do your homework and keep up with two jobs. Another thing: start healthy eating and exercise habits early. If you aren't used to making a daily work out a priority when your day is less full, you definitely won't find yourself in the gym with a college workload on your mind. It is important to have this habit since it will reduce your stress levels (and your growing waistline!) Good luck!


If I could go back in time and offer advice to myself as a high-school senior, I would tell myself to make smart descisions, never under-estimate myself, and do not be afraid to trust people who have proven they can be trusted.


Don't worry so much. God will provided you with everything you may need and more. You will meet people that you will call friends. College life will be so much better than you were expecting.


Make sure the school fits you in every way. Get involved in something that you will be able to be yourself and have the best experience possible!


Choosing the right college can be one of the most difficult and important decisions someone ever makes. It can seem overwhelming at times. I believe a few factors are the most important when considering colleges. First, look at the overall climate of the college; how do they treat academics, social activities, cultural beliefes, and extra curriculars? You need to find a school that has a similar balance in their approach to what you most enjoy. If you don't, you will feel like a fish out of water and will not enjoy your college experience nearly as much. Your school choice needs to have the academic programs, extra curriuculars, and social scene that YOU want. Next you should look at the resources available there; does this school have what you need to succeed and be comfortable? Finally look at cost; are you able to handle the expenses or do they offer scholarships/aid to help you? No one wants to constantly worry about finances throughout college. After you choose your college, make sure you wholeheartedly involve yourself in what attracted you to it in the first place. Use what you love to make your college experience the best possible.


I would suggest that students not neglect looking at a variety of colleges--big and small. You never know when a lower choice on a list of colleges can become the one you fall in love with. Also, students should try to visit colleges before applying if possible. What you see in a brochure or catalog isn't always what you get. I took my own advice, and I am currently a student at a university that I love!


I would advise students to start planning early and to make a list of things you want in a school. Prioritize them, and don't settle for less. I encourage students to visit more than one school to ensure that the school you pick not only fits you, but also that it is the best environment for you socially and academically. Compare schools, it provides good insight to what you prefer. Lastly I would tell students it is okay to change your mind. I would advise parents to be supportive in the college choosing process; let your children explore and research even if you don't like the school this is a big decision and they need your unconditional support.


The best piece of advice I can give to a student, is make the college experience uniquely your own. This is the one time in life when it is ok to be selfish, because choosing a college is truly all about you. Education is so important, so its imperative that you know that the faculty and administration are committed; not to budgets and numbers, but to you. I would encourage you to visit the school and ask the students about their experience. They will be the most unbiased people on campus, and will give you the clearest picture of that schools strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to making the most of your college experience it is important to leave all preconceived notions at the door. Not everything will be as you expected, but if you have an open mind you will discover things about yourself that will surprise you. Be open to meeting new people, because your peers are truly worth knowing. And get involved, because learning doesn't only happen in the classroom. Remember that you are at college to get an education, but that this is your life now, and your responsibillity to live it.