Take a look at the life you want to have after college and the goals you wish to achieve. Hold the bigger picture in mind as you contemplate your life. It is easy to get caught up in the present moment and live only for today but you need to take the time to contemplate the kind of contribution you wish to make to society and how to meet your goals. It may be that you do not know right now. If that is the case, then I have some more advice for you. Give away your time, talents, and treasures. When you wake up each morning, ask yourself, "How may I help someone today?" Always think of how others may benefit from your actions. When you do these things, you will find joy in any occupation you choose. College life is a time of growth and a time for self-reflection. It is during the college years that you get to know yourself much better. Use the time, not only for concentration on studies, but for mapping out the bigger picture--the picture known as your life.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school seniour I would tell myself to enjoy this last year because after this everything begins to change. I would tell myself that when entering college not to be nervous becuase it really isn't as scary as it seems. I would tell myself to be sociable and make new friends. I would also tell myself that it is very important to now slack off and blow any classes off. College is very different than high school and it comes with a lot more freedom. I would make sure that I told myself to attend every class because it is easy to just skip out. I would also tell myself to put in several hours of studying a week for each class because in the end it will all come back and benifit you in the future.
I would say to my younger self:
" I know you are planning to go off to a big university and be independent, but you need to really look at all your options. Germanna Community College has an accredited nursing program and you can save lots of money while pursuing your dream of working in a hospital. You know mom and dad would help if they could, but they simply can not afford a large tuition. College classes are tough and you can't expect to just breeze on through like you did high school. You have to commit yourself 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to attending classes and studying. Otherwise, you will waste not only your money but also your precious time. Believe me when I say, you don't want to find yourself a decade from now, wishing you hadn't wasted so much time being indecisive and uncommitted."
If I knew in high school what I do now about college, I would try to prepare myself better by working on my time management, organizational skills, and study habits. There are so many times in college where I have had to learn the hard way about how to better manage my time and balancing things between too much socializing, too much studying, and not enough sleeping. I need to focus on school work first; once, I get my academics finished I can socialize and do sports, and after that I should allow myself plenty of time to rest in order to recuperate from the day's activities. I need to practice my organizational skills in order to be better prepared for class, meetings, and for work so that when I get into college it will come naturally to me. I would also tell myself that in order to be successful in college, I need to practice my studying habits in which I'm not cramming for exams/quizzes, but I am well read and well prepared for the exam; because I have studied multiple times before the exam/quiz comes up so that I might actually know the material.
If I was able to time travel back to my senior year, I would encourage myself to stay focused and really dedicate everything I did to God because He gives me strength. I found myself getting into a senior slump and not wanting to do work or participate with things. Now, I see just how important it is to get good grades and focus on the task in front of you no matter how difficult it might be. Also, I would encourage myself to push out of my comfort zone and take the iniciative to be uncomfortable. Just because I am comfortable doesn't mean I'm happy and growing, and just because I am uncomfortable doesn't mean that I'm unhappy and stoic. I want to drill in my senior self that there will be times that I feel awkward, or want to avoid something new because I don't know anyone, but to go for opportunities and outreach to people despite these feelings. It's important that I don't belittle myself and try to not make myself known. I have a voice and I shouldn't be afarid to let it be heard.
I have been in college for approximately 6 months and I have found that I enjoy being a college student more than being a high school student. In this short amount of time, I have seen that more freedom is allowed to students in college than in high school as far as most of the important decision-making is concerned. Such choices as schedule, attendance, or class selection are a few examples of how college is less restrictive than high school. If I were to go back to High School, I would be more serious about my class work and get involved with more community service. I would also take the advice of my parents, who have, the past guided me into putting my studies first and becoming involved in things I enjoy doing. In High School many decisions are made for the student and they seem to be more restrictive than college. I would take advantage of that in a more positive way.
I've always been told that my education is one of the most important things I can recieve in life. It's something that I will always have with me; something that can't be taken away. For me, attending college isn't just about learning and furthering my education, however, it's about all of the experiences that one may encounter throughout the academic journey. Each day is a new chance for students to exercise their minds, gain new perspectives, grasp unique opportunities, work hard, and most importantly, have fun with it all. Though I have only attended college for a short time, each of these things are something I've already experienced, all the while trying to make the most of it. College life will certainly not be perfect all the time, but I've learned that it is the mind set and attitude of each student that decides how much he or she will enjoy it. I believe the college experience will be well worth the time and energy that is required to be successful, and it is surely something that I'll remember forever.
I have recieved an abuntent valuble things from my college experience. First, I have made lifelong friends. Litterally this was the first thing i recieved when I came to college. I roomed with my best friend from high school and we had suitmates that we had never met before. We clicked the moment we met. We had such an amazing first year that we decided to all room together again this year. I know these girls will be my best friends for the rest of my life. Second, I have been influenced by some fantasic professors that have a passion for teaching and for Christ. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but these professors set me on fire about becoming a teacher. I am so excited about getting out and influencing and impacting the minds and lives of children. Third, I have been stretched, challenged, and inspired in my faith. I have overcome weaknesses and have been pursuing God more than ever. Overall, my experience here at Lee University has been wonderful! Not only am I getting a great education, but I am also forming lasting relationships and furthering my walk with Christ!
I have recieved a good lesson in responsibility in college. I have also learned that making mistakes is part of life and that you shouldn't beat yourself down because you make them, they are part of life and it's part of being a student and a human being.
Attending college, especially out of state, has allowed me to be a little bit self-reliant. It's also taught me how to be fiscally responsible. I've taken a couple of classes that have enabled me to reasonably question what I thought I believed. I am daily becoming more confident in who I am. At Lee University, it is required to participate in community service. In doing so, I'm growing to appreciate the blessings I have by taking the chance to help others and listening to them. By going to college, I've developed in thought, deed and spirit.