As a student now recovering from substance abuse, I would tell myself to give myself a break. I was always a fan of instant gratification, and being a high school senior, I found my instant gratification by selling/doing drugs. I looked at college like it was a joke, I didn't care about my future. Today it's not about comparing myself to my fellow students and it's not about fitting in. It's about finding a place for myself and motivating myself to reach little goals that eventually help reach larger goals. It's about finding something you have a passion for and learning everything you possibly can in the process. Although I had to go through the darkness of substance abuse to find a career I'm passionate about, I had to go to that dark place to get to this one. Take it easy, work hard, and have fun doing what you love.
If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, it would be to put schooling first. I should not get distracted with other factors of life.
To talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to stay focused on school and that college is no even close to how easy high school was. I would tell myself to try and narrow down my choices in regards to what I want to major in and to seize every opportunity that college and work has to offer. Most importantly, begin to save and cut back spending because life in Arizona isn't cheap and the more you have saved, the better off you'll be in the long run and the larger a safety net you will have. Also, the friends you have now, aren't the one you will have forever. Be social and meet new people, you never know who you will run in to. Let the inner nerd out that has been inside, no one is going to judge you like people do in high school. College is all about self expression and discovering who you are as a person and not what others think of you; don't be afiad to show it. Most importantly, seek comfort from you family, because they're all you have in the end.
If I could go back in time to when I was in high school I would tell myself that college is a lot of work done by yourself. I would help myself by preparing how to study because as of now I do not have well developed study skills.
To take my education more seriously. I would go to school more often then I did, to get used to the class time of college courses. I would take subjects more seriously, such as math which gave me trouble. Gathering a better understanding of the concepts and time managment issues that where needed for college. I probablly would have also found a place to live, so I would not have to worry about housing issues, which would have given me more time to devote to my studies. Although I wish al these things, I can honestly say that without the experiences of the past, would not have made me who I am today. Having first hand experiences, has given me a better understanding of the surrounding world and myself.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to keep an open mind about what my major will be. When you start going to college so many opportunities and choices appear, that it would be sad not to explore several of them. Other then that I would tell myself to get a calender right away, to never push back my homework because it will all end up crushing you at the weekend and to not sit in the very back of the class. The last row in a class seems to be a good hiding spot but the truth is, that exactly there are often times the students who will annoy you by chatting about non subject related topics. The last thing I would tell myself is to not be worried. The best way to survive in College is to be confident. If you are not afraid of any subject, assignment, teacher or student you will have the best time in class and on campus.
I would have told myself to focus more on my studying and not to worry about the little stuff. I would tell myself to take more classes to prepare myself for college.
High school is only a stepping stone on the road to success. Use your time and energy to achieve high marks in school while helping out the community. Though the illusions of fun and social success may seem to be the most important things at the time, beware, those same things will cause hardship in your up and coming years after graduation. College is more important than personal success on a high school level when that success only hinders your academic abilities. So when in high school focus on your future and try to make something of the 4 years you have, live it up, but always keep in mind there is a world outside of the poorly painted building called high school. Keep your head in the game!
I would say LOOK TABATHA LISTEN CLOSELY! Yes friends and having a social life are important but those books in there and all that homework they assign you are going to strengthen your mind for what is to come. This generation needs to be educated for this future that is upon us. We are the light and we need to shine bright and show this world what our mind is made of. So stay smart, do your studies, keep your education number 1 BECAUSE we are the only ones responsible for this one chance this one life we are given. Make a DIFFERENCE!
Before I graduated from high school, I was expected to choose a career and immediately go away to college. College was not about making dreams come true. College was to guarantee success in making a steady, living wage and to graduate as soon as possible.
During the 20 years since I graduated from college, I was successful and had a steady, living wage but I started to dream. I dreamed of being more creative and wondered what would have happened if I had guaranteed less and risked a little. Success must be balanced with satisfaction. I realized you never have to decide the rest of your life at 16 years old. You can recreate yourself at any point in time. I decided to return to college in a completely different field.
I give this advice to my children who are now graduating from high school. A career is not a life, it is only a part of your life. Start with your dreams and then pursue them, but balance this with practicality. Take time to learn about yourself as well as train for a career. As you pursue your career, never stop learning and never stop dreaming.