Lehigh Carbon Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lehigh Carbon Community College know before they start?


If I was to go back in time as a high school senior and talk to myself knowing what I now know about college life and making the transition, the advise I would give myself would be to follow my dreams and pursue what I enjoy doing. If I didn't know what I enjoyed doing I would advise myself to explore the differant testing opportunities that colleges offer to give myself an idea what I might excel at. I would tell myself that college is a breeze compared to the constant toiling with very little pay that will await you in your occupation without any college education. I would tell myself to enjoy college and make the most of the precious treasure that has been offered and to totally immerse myself in college culture while still young and able to enjoy the immense opportunities that education and college social life has to offer. I would tell myself to never give up on education because it is the only gift that can never be taken away by anyone or anything.


I would tell my self to study more and pay more attention in classes. I have to study more now since I never studied in high school and got straight A`s just from listening. I have to put more effort since I have a hard time studying and memorizing things.