Lehigh University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Lehigh University?


Most people who have heard of Lehigh think that its a school only for engineering. Also, some people are under the impression that Lehigh consists of rich, white, preppy students who only participate in drinking and greek life.


Many people believe that Lehigh is made up of entirely upper-middle class and upper class people; either white-AngloSaxon-protestants or Jewish people with very few minorities.


That is a huge party school and Lehigh students are extremely smart but are always partying and are extremely snobby rich kids.


Lehigh's stereotype is rich white kids that love to party. "Work hard play hard" is the motto most often heard.


heavy drinking and racial discrimination. Also that lehigh/lafayette is an all consuming rivalry


Preppy, cliquey, greek oriented


very white; not diverse guys are usually the stereotypical frat guy many not into relationships-only one night stands It is a pain to live on a hill


Huge partiers and sterotypical frat boys/sorority girls from New Jersey. Rich.


We are all drunk, all the time. We're all stuck up, snotty rich kids.


Preppy, self-absorbed, drinkers, smart in school but stupid outside of school, rich, conservative.