Lewis University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lewis University know before they start?


If I have the opportunity to travel in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the importance of planning and time management, getting adequate sleep, and being more open to meeting new people. I learned that proper planning is very beneficial because it allows you to get everything done in an efficient manner without ever having to do something last minute or forgetting about the assignment completely. Taking care of oneself in college is also essential. Although you may not have class everyday, it is still important to be well rested because it helps you focus in your classes. I know for me personally, the more rest I get, the less anxiety I have as well. It is also imperative that you are not afraid to meet new people. I found that most people are open minded and willing to form relationships. Although I feel that I did not have an incredibly difficult transition, knowing these factors may have made this process even more fluid.


Self: Stay focused. The goal that you are trying to obtain is more important than anything than all the things trying to distract you. Stay true to yourself. It's so easy to get lost in everyone else, in all that is new and in things that do not matter. Be sure to stay true to who you know you are. Save your money. College and college life is EXPENSIVE. Start saving now, do not waste money on things that will not aid you in reaching your desired goals. You are your worst critic, give yourself some slack.


I would be more serious about my education goals and I would plan things ahead of time in order to receive scholarships and acceptances from school. Not only that, but I would also visit the different campuses to see what kind of environment they provide and what they have to offer. I would not assume that each college is the same since many schools offer different majors and even look at what the school is known for. Also, I would start saving up money for books and tuition. Not all scholarships give everything you need and sometimes I would have to pay out of my pocket. As a senior, I would knot know anything about college so I would have liked to receive some advice from my teachers, counselors, and family. I would have also been more outgoing and involved with school instead of quiet and always dedicated to just working at my job. In addition, I would make school my number one priority out of anything else and try to be in a sport team so I can join college sports to gain recognition and scholarships. Lastly, i would take high school courses that count as college credit.


When talking to myself and looking back to high school, I would say that you have nothing to worry about. You have found a school that will support your Catholic upbringing as well as foster new growth in the accounting major that I have declared. Lewis University also allows me to pursue my life long goal of becoming an airline captain. I will also tell myself that there have been struggles that I will overcome as well as friendships that will last a lifetime. Just remember to give it your all, and you will be able to find all of your dreams are within reach.


If only you could know what is to come. Wait, I know! I?ll tell you! You?re going to finally get involved. You really should have a couple of years ago. What about joining a few groups in your last year though? It?ll help your transition; lord knows it would have helped mine. You?re going to become president of the human rights group! Surprise huh? That?s right, the loner is going to come back swinging. Don?t believe me? Just wait and see. Oh, you?re still teaching music too by the way! Keep practicing also; you?re going to get to play for school ceremonies and pick up gigs at receptions in the area. Why haven?t you gotten a doctor?s appointment yet? Do you know tests and vaccinations that you need? No? I didn?t think so, because either did, sure wish I did though, it would have saved a month long delay. Your girlfriend is not your fianc?e?, realize it before you separate and it?ll be more civil. Most importantly old friend, tell the fam. you love ?em before you leave, and don?t lose touch with real friends.


If I were to have the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would really push myself into trying harder. I would tell myself to take harder classes and take advantage of every opportunity I get. I would also encourage myself to try harder in all my class?s and put more effort into them. Although I got straight A?s I felt as if I slacked off a bit. I would look into different study habits to find one that fits me best. Another big aspect would have to be invest more of my time reading and writing. This as well as my study habits are the main things that I have noticed are bringing me down.


Knowing what I know now about college, I would tell myself to stay focused on classes! Make sure you keep the syllabus and look at it daily to know when assignments are due. Those pieces of paper are like the Bibles of the class. Make sure you do your homework before staying up all night to watch movies with your friends. Also, you don?t have to go out every single weekend. It is ok to stay in and relax and do some work ahead of time. Please don?t wait until the last minute to do work because you will stress yourself out. Go to the Student Union often and attend organization meetings. Stay involved in a positive way. Remember, just because you don?t know someone, that doesn?t mean they don?t know you. This is a small school and words travel fast! Keep your business to yourself. However, the most important advice I can myself, is to have fun, but not too much fun. Remember you have a younger sister watching your every move, and a mother who wants nothing but to be proud of you!


I would say to myself two things, look for the money and you are responsible for you! Exploring various ways to pay for college is extremely important. While subsidized and unsubsidized loans help and student credit cards will be easily available, emphasis on easily, the long term debt may not be worth it. There are far more ways to get grant money and scholarships, based on everything from basket weaving to academic merit, than I would have ever thought possible. Save the loans and credit cards for emergency situations and last resorts if possible. The transition from high school to college is like walking a tight rope from one side to the other suspended over a river. It takes preparation, balance and the right resources to make it. Without these the potential to be swept away by the current below increases. Do research about your school, have fun but remember no one will be there to tell you to get to class in the morning and develop a support system these are the people you can go to if you are unable to figure things out on your own. Highschool gave you the basics college is about applying them!


Study a week in advance for exams and invest in an Academic Planner. Also, go to a community college first and transfer to a 4-year school. You will save a lot of money doing so.


I would tell myself to study more, don't procratinate, and then more then anything don't get distracted. In high school I always waited to do things, and in college even though its my first semester I learned that it makes the project or paper even harder. Also, in high school I always got distracted by others, I'd go out with people and not do my homework. But you do that in college and you get way behind.