I would advise to make sure that you not only base your college choice on a school that is close to home but also one that is accepting of your political ideas. A liberal person in a very conservative school is not a good match
I've probably learned more from being in clubs,volunteering,talking with people in the industry, and talking with professors outside of class then I have actually learned from in class. While in school, try new things. Join a club that has nothing to do with your major or volunteer in the local community. Constantly expand your comfort zone. Create a business card with your major,minor,year in school, maybe GPA, and contact information to hand out to people in the industry. It is much easier then carrying around resumes. Keep your resume updated!
I would advice parents and students to consider the following in finding the right college:
1. Major - search for a college that has a great reputation for your intended major and is connected to the industry of your major.
2. Right fit - find a college that fits your learning style. Some students are comfortable with large classes while other do better in small classes. Accessibility to professors is also very important.
3. Support - chose a school that provides services to support your learning needs.
4. Tuition - With increasing cost of tuition, find a school that offers scholarships, financial aid , and assistance with outside scholarships and grants.
To make the most of the college experience, set boundaries for yourself while placing priority on the amount of time commited to studying. Ask for feedback from your profesors and dont hesitate to ask question. Complete your work in a timely manner and study ahead if possible. Get involved in extra-curricular activities to learn new skills, volunteer with friends, work on your hobby. make time out to cultivate friendships. Get involved in sports or any type of exercise to keep fit in addition to maintaining a healthy diet.
Fun can be had anywhere, a good education is much harder to find. There is enough time to be focused and dedicated to your studies, while still having time for fun.
Make sure it's the right size for you, if you are accident prone I suggest a smaller campus. If you are extremely social I would suggest a bigger campus or a tight campus with its own community. Look at your dorm room size as well, some colleges you don't get to choose what dorm you live in! Also, look at the distance away form home, and calculate how much it'll be to make it from home to college.
As cliche' as it sounds, it is really important to know yourself as a student. That does not mean that if you don't everything figured out you will be unhappy with the school you choose, but knowing helps. Some questions to think about are how far away from home you would like to be, can you stay focused at a big school, is personal attention from your teachers something you like, would you mind staying in a big dorm hall? Also think about whether you can afford your school of choice, if the school offers the best in your major and what extra curricular activities the school offers. It is important to apply to a couple different types of school you like. It is also a great idea to walk onto whatever campus you go to ready to make the best out of it. It is not the beginning of the things you experience in life and it definitely will not be the end!
The first and most improtant thing is go where you want to go. You will be much happier where you will feel comfortable and your school work will resemble that. Sit down and think about what you really want to do in life. It is better to choose what you would really want to do over what will make you the most money. A very good piece of advice is fill out all scholarship information and loan information early. I have had that problem and waited until the last minute to apply and ended up not getting classes that I wanted. Also, stay true to your school work. Do not copy or plagarize your work, it will not help you learn anything. . . be true to yourself and be proud of the work you accomplish. Reach for the stars and even if you fall, you will land on a cloud. Do not be afraid to take risks. College is where you will find out who you truley are and what you are capable of. It is an amazing experience and no matter where you go to college be proud that you are improving yourself and the future of your country.
Make sure you look at the big picture, dont focus on just one thing.
Follow your heart. Go somewhere that is going to make YOU happy, not your parents. Make new friends, be advertures, and don't be afraid to try new things. Also, everyone else is just as scared as you are your first year. Don't be afraid to approach someone with a question.
Get involved. Its the best way to find yourself and learn how to use good time mangement. Also, find a college where you feel comfortable, not just a place with the best program. Look for adcademic programs that fit you and what you want to learn.