Jerry Falwell. It is a religious institute.
Liberty University is best known for combining an excellent academic program with Christian values.
Liberty University is best known for educating future leaders in the various fields of ministry as well as those in the aeronautics field who desire a Christian foundation.
Its rich Christian environment, it is known as the largest Evangelical school in the world. Liberty University is home a large number of international students and their cultures are celebrated actively. Besides our Christian background, Liberty boasts academic excellence with a successful Division-1 athletic department.
My school is best known for their spiritual belief system. Staying focused on Jesus Christ while getting an education in your field of choice.
I believe that my school is best known for their huge online university.
Christian friends, by far. I started Liberty last Fall, and knew no one on the campus. Within the first week, I made so many new and good friends. People are very friendly and interested in getting to know new people. Even as I would walk on campus, just about every person would say hello as they pasted. It really is pretty amazing.
Liberty is probably best known for being the world's largest Christian University. We still follow our original mission statement unlike many colleges that started Christian and went secular. We may not have any one particualr field of study, other than religion of course, that we are spectacular at, but we are extremely well rounded in all fields. Liberty is also advancing exponentially without any government help in this harsh economic period while most schools are struggling even with government aid. We believe this is due to our faith - that is what we're best known for.
Liberty University is the world's largest Christian University in the world. It's conservative views are different from most colleges, but Liberty is where champions for Christ are trained. There are many different majors provided here it isn't just a bible college Liberty is fully accredited in many of it's school such as education, and law. Liberty has many different of campus locations that are good hang outs, such as it's snowflex, the only snowless ski slope in North America. If you are looking for a good Christain college Liberty is it.
Liberty University is best known for their emphasis on training its students in becoming strong Christian Leaders within the workplace.