Someone looking to recieve an excellent education along with expanding their Christian faith and strengthening their worldview. Someone who doesn't need fraternity/sorority life and partying with drugs or alcohol to have a great college experience as well as respects rules that are set in place to keep students out of trouble and help them learn responsibility not just for now but for their entire life. Liberty University is the largest evangelical school in the world and is vastly growing in every area of its existence. There are tons of opportunites academically, athletically, and culturally available to everyone.
A person should go to the campus to see how the students like it and to see if they are accepted, also to visit a class to watch how the intructor teaches, also to interview the staff there as well. That too makes a big difference.
A person who wants to attend a Christian school so they won't have to deal with the extra pressure of drinking and smoking at secular schools. Someone who is struggling with their faith should also attend this school.
Someone who has a desire to learn through a different perspective, someone who is unafraid to face life without the aid of addictions. Someone who dares to discover that life has so much meaning to it. someone who isn't afraid to challenge beliefs and have theirs challenged in return. someone who isn't adverse to a friendly face where ever they turn.
A friendly and open person. Peopple around campus are helpful and caring. We hate to see anyone fail an something. There is always someone there to lend a hand. A great school for anyone! If you want to party though then this school is not for you. There is a no alcohol poilcy.
The kind of person who should attend this school is one who is willing to learn. One shouldn't come to the school and not be willing to learn not only academically but spiritually as well. This school is a Christian school and you are required to take Bible classes. They are great classes and you can learn alot. Also, if you are one who likes excitement, Liberty is one of the most exciting campuses in the country. So come have fun in a responsible way!
Someone who is a Christian or doesn't mind rules should attend Liberty. It is not a school for someone who likes to party or rebel.
A person that is willing to live out there life in a manner that is truly pleasing to God. A person that is not ashamed of the Word of God, the Bible, and believes that it is the infailable word of God.
A person that is focused on having a good carrer and being spirtually guided. Liberty is a Christian based University and it is a wonderful college.
I think this school can be for anyone. You just have to be moldable. This school offers a great experience, and you have to keep your mind open at what that experience is.