Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


Don't stress, don't struggle, and don't be afraid. I know you're scared about leaving mom and dad, and I know you're scared of taking that first step, but it's not as hard as you think. In no time, you'll have some great friends, and a good hang-out spot. The students in the School of Music or so great, and you will learn so much while you're there. And that Evangelism class, don't fret. Just be at the class and study, and you'll be fine. You're going to love Snowflex, by the way. Just try not to fall, because it really stings going down. You'll find yourself right at home on the east, so don't shut yourself out. Get to know your roommates, because they are pretty cool people. Soon enough, you'll never want to leave, and everything will be okay. This is God's choice for you, so don't try to fight back...He has a good plan for you.


I would advise myself not to take the freedom given in college for granted. In most cases attendance doesn't matter so much as learning the material, so when I didn't go to class alot I missed alot of the information. Going to class is a very important aspect of college because all the information being taught is crucial to the individuals major. So the information is needed.


My advice to my high school senior self would be to surround myself with people who show me who I am and how to become an even better person. As a high school senior, many want to engage in all the things that are depicted through television, media, and previous stories or experiences told to us by high school alumni. Though these things may be exhilarating, they often conform us. Someone once said, "Show my your closest friends and I'll show you your future." I surrounded myself with one group. When one friend fought with another, it distracted me from my school work and relationships that could be beneficial to me. I soon drifted away from this so-called clique and eventually got involved with things I liked where I found genuine people who wanted to see me achieve things I loved. This only made me look forward to my future more and develop the person I was created to be. High school friends don't always stick around due to unending scenarios, however people from college most likely do because they have passions and goals that encourage you to reach out. Relationships ultimately shape who you become.


Make sure you do your homework. Most classes in college rely on essays and presentations. If you build up your will and want to do homework, when you get to college there will be no worries because you have already applied yourself and know how to succed when at home doing homework.


The average students would probably answer “I would tell my past self to study for his SAT to get that scholarship”, “don’t blow off those essays until the night before”, or even “just ask the person out to prom!” For me, however, I know what would be the best thing to tell my past self if I were to travel back into the times of senior year: absolutely nothing. Why give no advice to prepare my past self for the challenges of college? I would give no advice because every failure, bad experience, or mistake in my past was a stepping stone for the satisfying life I'm living now. Those mistakes in life are guidelines that I learn from. Without experiencing them, I probably would still be making those past mistakes right now in college because I would never truly think about the consequences, nor how I'll feel about them, until they actually occur. But because I've came across failures and made mistakes, I have a foundation for my journey to success that reminds me to avoid the same mistakes as an adult. That's why I wouldn't change the life of my past self.


Welcome to life outside your high school. From here on out, you're going to have to work hard and do things you don't want to do or feel like doing. Finances, classes, assignments, part-time jobs, cleaning bathrooms... It's just part of the deal. So prepare yourself by not complaining and being disciplined with your time and money. You're going to have lots of fun experiences, but don't forget you have to work to earn them. You're going to meet a ton of new people from all different places and backgrounds. Be flexible. You might be as different as night and day, but you can still be friends (or, at the very least, you can learn from them). Treasure your family. You'll realize how much they mean to you when you're states away from home. And, above all, strive for humility in every situation. Respect others, and act in a way worthy of respect. The more you know, the more you're going to see how little you actually know. Don't ever let a big head get the better of you. College grows and changes you. So embrace it.


Jean, college will be very fun as it has been talked up to be throughout your life. You'll meet a ton of new people, make a lot of friends, get grades you want and grades you don't want. As much as you can't wait to get away from your family that is one thing that will be missed abundantly. Another transitiion that will be hard to get over is self maintenance. You have to go to class yourself, in highschool it's easy because all classes follow the same schedule. In college you like to stay up late and play video games and often neglect those assignments due by 11:59. The nice teachers who accept late work are great in high school. In college Professors do understand you are busy, but when an assignment is due by 11:59 12:00 is late and will not be graded. So i want you to be strict about your grades, enjoy your family time as much as possible, and be deligent in your scholarship search. You will be in need of financial need and wishing you spent more of your time in high school chasing that scholarship money.


Ok past me, tip number one regarding college life: Do stuff! It sounds stupid but it is true. If you just sit in your room all day you will not make any friends, you will not have fun and you will not enjoy college. Number Two: The food so far has been pretty good, don't worry about it. Number Three: Do not worry about finding the perfect girl in your first semester because there are like two thousand perfect girls here and they will still be here in your second semester. Number Four: START PACKING EARLY! Don't start packing the week before college is supposed to start because it just does not work. Trust me, I know. Number Five: All work and no play makes Peter a very dull, bored and lonely boy. Take chances. Make mistakes. GET MESSY! Number Six: All play and no work makes Peter a very stupid boy who wasted thousands of dollars on a college education. Find a balance between work and play. Number Seven: Love and cherish mom and dad while you still can and appreciate them because soon you will only see them once a year. That's it. Love Peter.


I would have told myslef to look into scholarships and schools earlier than I did. I would also have told myself to have taken the SAT earlier so that I could have tried for a better score.


I would told myself to be confident and encouraged to make my own plans based on my own desires. I would have pushed myself to do things outside my own confort zone in order to learn and discover what life has to offer me. Most of all, I would have helped myself be influenced and passionate about my future. That way I would of had the motivation to be hard-working and independent.