Saving money, applying for scholarships, and getting a job are necessary to stay in school. There are more costs than a bright eyed High school student is aware of. As an aviation student the cost doubles and more money is needed to pay for tuition. Getting a job imidiately on getting to school allows for a less stressful time at College. Be more aware of your financial status and what you are going to do about bettering that financial status.
College, to a High school student, may appear to be your final step in life, the moment you finally reach adult hood. But sadly it is not. No matter what, going to College does not mean that you have arrived, it simply means that you have moved on to another chapter of your life which will lead to becoming more mature.
Life is about living in the moment, not wishing you were older or more experienced, and not looking back to past decisions or to the your future life. Live where you are and with what you are doing. Living for the future or in the past will only make you frustrated and depressed.
College is both stressful and exciting.
Janan, listen to me! Don't procrastinate! You may think that you have time to get this work done later, but trust me. You don't. You're going to get busy with something else, and by the time you know it, you never get anything done. Also, start applying for scholarships right now. It will save you a bunch of time and you'll be able to start college easier and faster. And remember. Don't procrastinate!!
I would tell myself to dive into college rather than just test the water. To not be hesitant in making friends, but to also focus on academics. I would also recommend searching for a job to help pay my way through school rather than applying for loans and to look harder for scholarships because there are so many available.
To My High School Senior Self,
College is a challenge; but mostly academically. You do not have to worry about making friends because Liberty naturally builds great friendships. You will be extremely busy with nursing school, but do not forget to take time to have fun with the friends that you make. Make sure to have fun even in the most stressful times during the year. You only have four years at Liberty University to learn the most you can about nursing. The nursing professors are incredible and you can learn so much from them if you ask questions and act on what you know. Be confident in who you are and in the knowledge that you have learned. You will fall down and mess up sometimes, but do not get discouraged! You have friends that will lift you up along with the professors. But most importantly, do not let your relationship with your Savior Jesus Christ fail. Jesus will give you the strength you need to get through each day. Make sure to spend time with Jesus everyday! Read His love letter to you, the Bible, and pray. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.
My Self Now
Continue to stay focus on my education and know that in order to be successful I will have to work hard and know at the end I will reach my goal.
I have thought about this many times in the past. I would tell myself to go for it. You can't obtain anything without a little hard work but time passes no matter what you decide to do; so go for your dreams and stop doubting yourself. With time that passes life goes on and you may not regret every decision you make you do miss out on some great opportunities you can never get back if you don't live life in the moment.
If I could go back in time, I don't think I would tell myself anything. Everything that happened in my senior year got me to this point of my life and I am very happy where I am. I always used to tell myself "if I can just go back in time and study more for the SAT" or "If I just spent more time studying for math test I would have had an A+", but the truth is, I don't want to change anything because then my future would change. My future is looking pretty bright and I'm very content with that. Life is not easy, but that's what makes it beautiful.
I think that I would have to say, "Let loose a little!". When I went to school, I honestly thought that I had to study all the time and have no fun at all. I had to make sure that I was the best student I could be because I knew that my parents couldn't afford school for me and I didn't want to disappoint them. I realized that you can study all day and get the best grades, but you have to have friends. People to make a bond with for the rest of your life. I would tell myself to get out there and make as many friends as I can and just enjoy their comradory. Friendships that can stand the test of time are the only things that I miss, now that I am about to graduate.