The advice I would give to myself is to stay on top of everything I do no matter what an instructor says know my own facts.
There are many things I would tell myself if I could go back in time. The biggest advice I could give myself would to not be worried about having a plan. I was so obsessed about having everything in order that I did not stop and realize that you do not need to know everything about what you are going to do for the rest of your life. You have awhile to decide that. I would tell myself to relax and to take different classes and find something you love. You don't have to have every aspect of your life figured out right away. I think that every high school junior and senior should realize this. There's nothing wrong with giving it some time. It is a big decision.
Be ready for a big difference. Your on your own most likely for the first time. There are many things at college to distract you from your school work and your education. Stay the course and work hard don't just relax and have fun all the time, you must get your work done.
If i could go back in time, into my senior year and talk to myself. I would tell myself what she is going to pick as a career, just for the hell of it!!! First, i would tell her that she picked a different career. one that she hates and i hate. haha, i would tell her that she picked Theater as her career. To see the expression on my own face of surprise and terror would be priceless to me. After the little joke i played on myself I would proceed to tell her what she is really going to pick for our career. I would tell her not to change any of her decisions. That everything happens for a reason and that we are on the right track to achieve our lively goals. I would also tell her to study a little more to make school easier for me in the future. I will also give her advice to stay away from certain people that are negative and deceptive in the future towards her. I will finally tell her that I love her and to take good care of herself and her health, to stay in good shape.
Seniors, study skills are so important! I had no idea how important they would be before leaving for college. I found out very quickly how important they were after I bombed one of my first tests. Experiance is the best teacher as they say. After I recovered from the shock of that first test, I started studying everyday. I have a block of time for studying everyday. During this block of time I study for forty five minutes and then take a break for fifteen and repeat. I also learned that there is no such thing as multi-tasking well, you cannot do many things at one time and do them well. I now do one thing at a time when it comes to my courses, but I do them all like a boss. These habits have helped me to ace all the tests following that first one.
I would go back and tell myself to not let anyone tell you no. That I have to keep pushing myself because there are no limits to what anyone can accomplish. To keep on top of things and not let deadlines pass you by. Also to apply to more scholarships, take a chance even though you are not the best in writing essays.
It's your senior year. Congrats on making it this far, you're almost done but there's still a long, hard road in front of you. I have some advice for you as you make the transition from high school to college life. First, learn how to study. College is not like high school, you can't breeze by on last-minute cramming and reciting various facts you barely understand. You need to start developing good studying habits now. Secondly, please start exercising some self-control with your money. Make yourself a budget and stick to it. Being successful in college is all about time management and forming healthy habits. A good diet, exercise and plenty of sleep are important in helping you focus. Learn to say "No!" (nicely) to co-workers wanting you to pick up shifts. School should always come first. Hold tight to your values and stand up for what you believe in but don't forget to keep an open mind; you're not in Small Town, America anymore. I'm proud of you for how far you've come. Stay humble and work hard, you're one step closer to reaching your dreams.
I would tell myself to pick one degree program and stick with it.
The first thing I would tell my highschool self is that in college, I need to remember to make time for myself, but also towork hard. College is a huge balance of time. In highschool you attend school for seven hours a day, in college you attend school 3-4 hours a day. In college you need to learn hoe to manage your personal schedual alot more; there is no mom or dad to help you out anymore. For me, I have spent the last two years of college working, studying, eating, and sleeping. I have hardly given myself enough time to enjoy the friendships that I want to and participate in the activites that I want to due to a busy schedual. I would tell my highschool self to make sure to spend time on myself. It is important to study hard, it is important to work hard at my job. Yet, why should i spend so much time at a university, paying a lot of money, so that I can work hard but not enjoy my time? Have fun, take chances, but work hard. That is what I would tell myself.
In all honesty, I would tell my high school senior self that college is exactly what you make it. You have the power to make or break your experience depending on how much you put yourself out there. Freshmen year is always rough socially, but you have to trust in the process in that so long as you're making an effort to meet new people, you'll find your group. Furthermore, I would try to explain in a calm way that at Willamette University specifically, courses get significantly harder during students' sophomore year. That's the time when sophomores start taking 300 level classes, and though the workload will seem absolutely impossible at times, it teaches you a lot about who you are. I have learned study and organizational skills, as well as patience and communication through my studies at Willamette so far. The key socially and academically is to take a deep breath, and realize that everything will work out how it's supposed to.