Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are many things that I would say. There is so much advice I could give, not just to myself but to others also. I would began by telling myself to take harder classes and to apply myself more. By taking harder classes, it would have helped me prepare for what lied ahead of me. Having the knowledge at the stage that you should be and having it seem familiar in college, would have been beneficial. I would also tell myself to push harder, apply myself to get good grades, and get more involved. You don't realize it until you move on to a further education, but having the knowledge and applying yourself from high school would have helped a lot. As long as you move on to further your education, the more you have regrets about what you didn't do. I would have told myself that. It only makes you want to try harder. So to concluse, I would tell myself to apply all that I could with what I had and to really consider my furture as to accomplishment.


Don't allow the bad people in the world to influence how you treat everyone. People will think your cold and you'll turn cynical. Show God's love to at least one person everyday. Initiate conversations with strangers. This will force you to not prejudge someones intentions. Always tell people what they have done in your life. This will lead to stronger relationships and people will not misunderstand you so often. Learn to study, it will be invaluable later. Adam, the best advice I can give you is if you ever find yourself withdrawing from the world or God, find someone to help. This will cause you to see that you can be a difference in someones life. Know regardless of whether or not you understand why people are here, they matter to God so they should matter to you. You have absolutely nothing to prove to God and nothing you do can make him love you any more or less. Never be afraid to recklessly follow God because the best feeling in the world is looking behind you and seeing those you love dearest close behind the guide they prayed for. Become the difference you want to see.


i would tell myself the great technique i learned in college to study that would really help me.


To study hard and often so I will be prepared for the future. Do your best the first time so you will not have to repeat a class. If you need help do not hesitate to ask, because when you do not understand the instructions it can turn into a failing grade. Pick a job area that you will be comfortable in and take the necessary classes so you will not waste your time with classes that are not in your field. Do research on your college and make sure they offer the classes that you want to take. Education is important for everything that we do, so don't let anyone discourage you and tell you that college is not important. Anybody can get a job, but only a few people get a career.


Do not freak out and make yourself nervous. Focus on the work at hand, study hard and pass the AP exams, and for the love of education, apply for so many scholarships that your head rolls. Please! Don't stress, there will be plenty of time in the summer to worry about anything that isn't related to senior year and simply paying for college. Make it through the year. And please, apply, apply, apply, you need it. And just to clear your head in March, you really won't regret not going to prom, you don't need to spend all that money to have a good time! Remember to have fun, enjoy senior year, do your work, think about your finances for next year, and just enjoy the company of these amazing people who will move away from you in the summer. Have no regrets.


If I could go back in time I would make sure that I would find scholarships ahead of time along with taking the SAT and/or ACT. If I had found out about finding scholarships online, I would have already started searching a long time ago. I also would not have waited to go back to school if I had known that there were colleges and universities online. I would be better prepared than what I am now, especially since college is so expensive.


To Simmone , college is no joke. You have to be on track and stay focused. College is great you learn how to be independent and become more responsible while transitioning to be come a young adult. Don’t get me wrong you can have fun , but the parties will be there. Staying focused is key. However, Simmone you must be attentive in class , organized, and determined. You will be tempted to do things but remember think before you do. The library will be your best friend trust me. Overall, you will be great in life if you stay focused , and have a positive mind toward learning.


Well, Shunza although its been a great challange and you've had some hardships while finishing up school and getting your ged you did it! You made it! And it wasnt all bad.. you had fun times and met new people. But now its time to push on and move on towards college. I know you see all the movies that show college as "the party years" and all fun and games but its not! This is the time in your life that you will need to buckle down and stay focused. You'll need to study alot and learn how to manage your time to succed and make Mom proud!


The advice I would give myself, would be something like this; Don't be affraid to dream big. I know you don't believe in yourself much, if at all, but you really need to explore who you really are, and stop listening to the voices in your head, from your dad. You are not stupid, and there is so much out here to be learned, all you have to do is believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in the endless possiblities that await you. Your family of origin does not have to be your identity. You can explore a whole new world in education, and there are so many lives you could touch, if you would just believe in yourself. I know your hurts and your pains, but you need to know that you are a beautiful creature in God's eyes, and he wants the very best for you, and a good education could put you on the right path of becoming who God intended you to be. Forget the labels your parents put on you. Be an explorer, and explore yourself, and the great opportunities that await you because God loves you very much. Amen!


STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. Take the SAT ASAP, in Jr. year. Attempt SAT as many times as possible to achieve the best score for potential academic scholarships. And apply for every scholarship that comes your way as early in your highschool years as you can