Take the time to research and discover what career goals are most appealing to you. Seek to spend some time in active involvement in those careers by volunteering or working even a few hours per week. If possible try to gain those experiences from different parts of the country or different areas of the world. As far as is humanly possible make an attempt to travel for the experience of varification. In this country where the opportunity is available, beging college courses on a part-time basis or leook into Community Colleges first before embarking upon a four year college experience, that of course depends upon how focused on is.
Whether part-time while working or focused full-time I would never be totally detached from studying after leaving high school, but would continue to achieve a four year cllege degree along with my family responsibilities. One is never truly prepared for the academic, intellectual and occupational challenges of the world without completing a college degree.
I would tell myself to take my time, and choose a school that fits each and every one of my personal needs. There are schools that fit every need, and there is a school out there for you. Be open to new experiences, prepare to work hard and love the time that you get to spend learning. Enjoy meeting new people, listen to your professors and prepare to WORK HARD! College is a great place to expand horizons, and explore yourself as a person. Have fun, but never forget why you are in college, to learn. Be organized, responsible and know that all the hard work will pay off. Live it, love it and, most of all, LEARN from it.
Be yourself. Don't worry about what other people think of what you enjoy doing. Don't change yourself to satisfy other people. Stay true to yourself and you'll make friends easily.
Respect people. Don't take your roommates' food without asking. Don't be a jerk to people just because they're being jerks to you.
Study for everything. Turn in stuff on time. Don't goof off or procrastinate. Do your best to get good grades. You'll find that putting in work when you don't want to will help majorly in the end.
Spend time with God every morning. This is so helpful to your every day life. Stay close to Him and He'll guide you through whatever you go through.
Stay in contact with mom and dad. They only care about you, even if they seem to show it too much or seem naggy. They want what's best for you. Appreciate them and let them know that.
Have fun, but not too much fun. Make time for free time and enjoyment but make sure that you balance it with work, otherwise it will get out of hand.
I have a documented learning disability called dyslexia. It makes it difficult for me to take in or give out written information. I maintained an A-B average during high school. I spent a lot of my senior year worrying about if I could be successful in college. Would I be able to do the work? I am the oldest of four sons and I grew up in a single parent home. I would be the first in my family to go away to school. I was worried about being competent. If I could go back and give myself some advice, I would tell myself to relax and to trust the path I had chosen. I had built confidence and had been successful so far, and college would just be the next step in my journey. Fear can cripple a person, but facing the fear head on can also strengthen a person. I'd tell myself to anticipate the transitions to be different, but not daunting---and encourage myself to embrace the fears as training ground instead of allowing them to block my growing process. I would say to expect the best --because it is coming!
I would have to tell my self to never give up life may get hard and throw supprizes your way such as becoming a single mother struggling in an unstable econimic, but you have to keep moving forward and finish school to chive your goals and be the best single mother you can so that you dont have to stay a statistic on welfare. Life can be a great chalange but looking back it will be worth every moment.
Tyler, research early to find ways to apply for all available scholarships, and to find the best campus situation for someone with a learning disability and motor-planning difficulties that prevent living on campus, driving or working while attending college. Don't be overwhelmed with a choice of a major or career, but make it an important focus by noticing your interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and by applying them to your research and choice of jobs, volunteer work, and college choices. Continue to apply yourself in your school work, after-school work and activities. Have a goal to succeed in high school and pursue a college education that will lead to a broadened worldview and a successful career. Finally, maintain a positive outlook on life in general and on your potential to achieve your goals. You can do it!
If I could go back to my high school self the advice I would give would probably be not to care what people thought of me. In high school, it's easy to be something that you are not because you are surronded by people who you have been with your entire life. But, when you get to college you basically get a fresh start at who you want to be. It was hard for me to be myself in high school because I was always concerned about what others thought of me; which was extremly exhausting trying to fit everyones expectations. Now that I am in college, I have realized that once you just care about being yourself you become confident in who you are and what you are going to do in the future.
I know that you have dreamed about getting out of high school and that town for quite some time now. I know that you pray every day for God to show you where to go once this chapter of your life ends. And I know that you are worried. Don't be. God has such an incredible plan for your life, especially this next journey you will soon embark upon. Slow down and enjoy every moment, every laugh, every sleepover with your best friends, and leave the rest to God. Work hard while you are in high school and study as often as you can. Good study habits are imperative to have when you enter college, and you will have an easier time maintaining good grades. It will be hard the first couple of months, being so far away from home and everything you have ever known, but embrace it with open arms. You will encounter such wonderful people and build some incredible friendships, and eventually, Liberty University will begin to feel like home. Ultimately and most importantly, make time for God, diving into His Word everyday and building your relationship with Him. You are absolutely going to love college.
I will advice myself to apply for more scholarships and save more money for college.
I would tell myself if I could go back in time to be more social. That I need to have an interaction with others and not staying close to home all of the time. That would save myself some trouble making the transition between a public high school to college.