Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


I would advise myself to attend college as soon as I graduated high school instead of waiting ten years to attend. College classes can seem much harder when you have a small child in the home. I would also tell myself how important it is to develop strong study skills. This is a skill that will be very useful when juggling children, work, and school.


Hello me. It's been a while, but I have some things to tell you. When you get to school, enjoy it! These are going to be some of the best times you will ever have. The chance to make connections to people and places that you would have never had the chance to do without this opportunity. So, have a great time, just not too great! If you apply yourself to the classes and the relationships that you will begin, then there is no limit to the heights that you will reach. So aim high, study, and work at it like a job so that you will always have one. Best of luck to you, I know what you're capable of so you will be fine. Oh yeah, stay away from the hackey sack, it's distracting.


I would tell myself to take a deep breath and follow my heart. Listening to counsel from other people is great, and often very useful, but when it comes to MY life, I am the one who is responsible for where it ends up.


I would tell myself to focus on school and plan out the next four years of my life, rather than allowing myself to get swept along by the winds of change. I would tell myself that I need to choose a good 4 year school, and spend the first two years working and saving money while attending a community school before transferring over to the 4 year school. This would save money, give me skills for planning for the future, and let me graduate quickly. And finally, I would tell myself to be careful in the friends I choose, and think clearly, and slowly, before I make any rash decisions in love. Thankyou, Jared Poli.


My high school schedule was very simple. My classes weren't stressful at all and I played two sports, so I was always hanging out with friends and being social. When I go to Liberty University I didn't know anyone, but that quickly changed. I met lots of people and we were always doing something. If I could go back I would definitely tell myself that I need to slow down. I don't need to always be hanging out with others. I really need to focus on my classes. The courses I take in college will be much more challenging and time consuming. Not only is it important to get a good grade and keep that good grade, I am paying for this. Sometimes paying for college is extremely stressful, so getting good grades is very important. I would then end with FOCUS. Foucussing is key.


If I could go back In time and tell my highschool self anything I would have a lot of things to say. First I would tell him to apply for as many scholarships as possible because you will want to foucus on academics and worrying about finincial things is very distracting. Also I would tell myslef to be social,join a club and not to sit in the dorm all day every day watching tv and playing video games. I would aslo tell myself to spend as much time with my highschool friends as possible. Being in college I have lost contact with many good friends. Also I would tell myself to spend time with my family because I will miss them more than I would have ever thought.


Work hard. -It's not always the smart ones that get the good grades, it's the ones that take their work seriously. Dedicate. -Always allow time for studying. Sometimes it may seem like a wasteful attempt, but you can't learn concepts without getting familiar with your materials. Work ahead of schedule. -You can not predict what hidden events you will encounter, so plan as if you only have time now. Be Bold. -Sometimes you might face opposition standing in the way of your dreams, go for it head on! Appreciate. -Find what is valuable to you and cherish it. Nothing lasts forever. Focus. -You won't be viewed by what might happen in the future, you will be judged by how you react now. Think then speak. -Consider all things objectively then fuel them with passion. Be open-minded. -Truth is acquired through the exploration of things unknown. Time changes all. -All things change with time, we must find ourselves flexible when situations are not. Finally, Choose wisely. The paths we choose will ultimately shape who we are.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that school is one of the most important things for your future. Never rely on the idea that someone else is going to provide for you. You must educate yourself. Once you get the best education available, your options and opportunities are endless. School can be difficult and time consuming, but if you focus and apply yourself you can go anywhere. High school is a wonderful way to develop good time management and study habits. If you really apply yourself, you can do well. Go for it, college is the door to an endless world of opportunities.


Get involved! While in highschool, out of highschool, in college, everywhere! Get involved! The world is looking for world changers and doers, not followers and lazy people who just go for the ride. I'm applying for scholarships right now and the one thing I lack is extracurricular activities. When I apply for jobs, the one thing I wish I had more of is a long list of things I have done. Once you graduate highschool, you'd be surprised how much more your out of school activities matter more than your academic standing. GET INVOLVED IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES!


I would tell myself to take as many AP classes and CLEP tests as possible, because the ones that I took that gave me college credit have helped me immensely. I would tell myself that college takes some adjusting, but in the end, is one of the best experiences of my life. I would remind myself to work hard, pray hard, and play hard!