Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


College is your number one focus, and time managment is something your going to have to conquer. The classes are going to seem more than overwelming to you at first but you just have to keep focused. High school was a breeze for you, but college is going to really open your eyes to the world. Open your mind, meet new people. Take classes out of your comfort zone. I will tell myself never be afraid of failure, because if you set out to succeed in college than you can never fail. Joining clubs and study groups is a great way to get involved and to recieve help with your classes. The two things I would stress to me is time management and start school with an open mind.


One of the most important things I would tell myself, would be to always have dedication and to always give more to pursue my goals; giving always a maximum effort could be the ultimate difference into achieving more. Most importantly, not to be afraid but to be proud of being the first one in my family to attend college.


Find as many outside scholarships as you can before you graduate! And save up money for books and all the things you need to buy beforehand for the dorm. Mainly...plan ahead.


My advice to myself would be never to give up and achieve all my goals. :)


If I could go back in time and give myself advice when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself what every other college student I knew had told me. I would tell myself that my GPA is extremely important so I should not slack off. I would also tell myself how difficult time management would be and that I should start practicing time management in high school.


I would like to tell myself to decide which path you want to take. Would you like to take the path of how you got through high school? Do all your work and just chill without having much of a social life or learning. Or would you take the path of doing the minimal amount to get by but taking full advantage of everything they offered. I would suggest making a new path. Make a calendar now and break down your assignments and when you should study for tests. This way you do not stress, you retain the information better, and you have time to do what you want. Also, start to get stuff together on your own. Seek out scholarships on your own, start group activities on your own but even more importantly find ways to minister on your own. Do what you feel the Holy Spirit is telling you to, no matter if people follow or not.

Bao Chau

Hey Bao, I know that you haven’t decided on a school to attend to, but you shouldn’t stress yourself too much about it. Whatever school you choose, it will be a great choice. Trust me, every school provides the same education. In every college, there are good professors and there are bad professors. Every campus has its group of college students, and they come in a wide variety. So, no matter what it is that you like or who you think you are, you will find a group of people that will be your friends. You will have so much freedom in college, because you are allowed to pick your classes at your hours. Your teachers and your parents won’t be there keep you on track; they barely even remember your class schedule! So with all this new freedom comes with great responsibility. And to master that responsibility, you need to learn three skills: time-management, discipline, and self-motivation. You need to master them well before the summer is over. Those will be your teachers, parents, and lovers. But that's all I can tell you, the rest, you will learn on your own.


I would advise myself to take better advantage of the oppurtunities at the high school level. i would tell myself to take more AP classes and take high school more seriously in developing work habits that transition into college.


I would tell myself to go right into college and not wait and go for wat you want and just do it. Dont wait around and ask yourself if you can do it cause i know you can cause im doin it right now. Fallow your heart and do it dont put it off or second guess yourself.


Carramae, As a high school senior, you are now ready to take on a whole new challenge as a college student. College life has more freedom and independence; however, keep in mind that it takes a lot of effort and focus to reach your future goals. When you plan out the classes you are going to take for your first semester, it would be best if you take the time and research the classes you need that falls under your liberals and major. Type up a 4-5 year plan of your college courses. Make appointments with counselors at the community college who could help you choose the classes that are required for liberal arts. Once you got that covered, you should talk to counselors at the University you plan to go to. There, they could help you plan out the classes that you need for your major. If possible, you could try to take the classes you need for your major while you are working on your liberals. I know that this is a lot to take in, but don't worry, everything will fall into place which will be a big relief for you. Good luck!