Liberty University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Liberty University know before they start?


I have learned that sometimes in life nobody will be willing or able to help, so one must try with all their might to succeed. The one's who have the strongest will to succeed will in fact, find that success in their respective fields.


First and most importantly, I have found who I am and who God wants me to be. Of course I have gained much knowledge about a variety of different subjects, but I have excelled greatly in my understanding of the world around us and the people within the secular-based social infrastructure of society today. I have learned to put others before myself and to always give freely and expect nothing in return. I've learned that college is not about drinking and having sex and just acting immature for a few more years, but it is about your future; it is the time to transition from an immature teenager to a mature adult who is marketable to the work force upon graduation. College has brought a lot of struggle upon my financial situation because my family cannot pay for it so I've been working and paying for it completely; but I am thankful for the opportunity to attend Liberty University because it has drastically changed my life. I've realized that life, at least at the moment, is about struggling and perserverance in preparation for after college because life will only get harder.


College has been the best experience in my life. When I entered college I never imagined the experiences I would have. College is not just an educational experience but also a mental growing experience. I have learned more about myself in my two years in college than I did in my entire high school experience. I have mastered skills in organization and preparation. As well as becoming involved in every club, fundraiser, or organization that my time would allow. My most valued experience though throughout college has been meeting different people and learning about their cultures. Every individual is raised differently and it is fascinating to me to understand the variations in every household. I love to meet new people and hear how they grew up and why they are the way they are. During my lifetime I would like to travel the world to continue my growing and learning of different cultures. Thanks to college my eyes have been opened to ideas I have never even imagined.


So far what I have gotten out of my college experience is a great education. I have been challenged not only as a student but as a person to just go beyond my expectations and excel. It has made me come out of comfort zone alot because I am now apart of Alpha Delta Omega Sisterhood. I am actually making a difference in the lives of the women and teens that I meet. Also just being able to go to a college that we all grow spiritually together is so amazing. As a student body we all push each other to go beyond our comfort zone and to strive to be better.


Before I entered college, I thought I had my life planned out. I'd get my degree, become a psychologist and earn enough money to live a comfortable life. I wasn't always sure that I wanted to be a psychologist, so I started off college with my core classes and tried learning about different jobs. Although I do want to help others, I realized that I was more interested in what a person does and how a person works. I realized I was more interested in the social sciences and history. Going to college has made me realize my full potential and helped me change for myself.


Liberty features an exceptional experiance from all other colleges, it is the largest Christian University filled with school spirit and fun. Even though I have not yet attended Liberty, I will be transfering next year, and just one visit for the weekend sold me. Their students and staff were very welcoming and were very helpful in my school searching process. After attending one campus church session, it was evident that they take care in their students, after they shared a story of a student whom came down with an almost deathly mono infection and was near death but was still living that day and improving, they even had staff visit him in the hospital. After attending that service, I knew that not only was their campus fun but they were considerate of their student body.


It has been valuable for me to attend college because I am able to build myself up to become the person I need to become....I am also able to share with other people in my life the value of education! Overall college has been a platform for me to network, build skills and a spiritual relationship with God, and interact and learn from my peers.


I have gained a lot of life experience. I have some gained some life long friends. I have also gained growth in my spiritual beliefs by attending this college. Liberty Univesity has helped me become the person that I am today.


It has been a great school that manages to uplift you as you work for your degrees. It has been especially wonderful for not being as pricey as a campus sort of schooling, since the lessons can be done online, but the caampus is also open for visitations or classes both online and residental.


I am getting a quality education filled with the word of God. I love learning about the word of God and able to work on the other classes in the mix of it all.