i would tell myself: "get over your "senioritis" and show up to class more. even though you know the matterial, attendance will kill your grade and your GPA going into Liberty is going to suck, you wont get as much scholorship money and will be looking for ways to pay for school as a result. Also, Break up with sam because its not gonna work, i know its lasted two years but trust me, next year is gonna be hostile and its going to end bad. But really, dont worry so much about Liberty, you're going to do great, just be yourself, you're a funny guy and people like that, dont distant yourself, you'll regret you ever did."
Do not let extreme difficulty make you second-guess your decision to attend school and pursue your degree. There will be times when you find yourself sitting in the bathroom crying because things are so challenging that you feel completely insufficient, as though you are not equipped to succeed. Know that doing this is the best thing for you. You will work hard, you will get that 4.0 GPA, and you will learn more than you ever thought you would. You will feel like a failure, but you will succeed. Just keep calm, carry on, and enjoy every second.
Make sure you learn everything you can while you are in high because you going to use some of it in college. Never done something get hard don't give up on nothing that you do. You better it iwhile you are young because before to school when you older can be tryed hard but you can do it if you decide you can do it i have seen a lot of people and know a lot of people that has done it. College is very serious thing you can't play around when you start college. Don't let the college life get to get becuase it ain't all about partying and have fun all the time because if you do that you going have to go throw a long process of getting back right and it is not fun , You going have to bring your grade my a deadline. Then you might have Appeal and that is a hard thing because it don't go throw you going have to pay for it our even have to sit out for a good min or even drop out. So take college very serious!!!!
I would tell myself to quit procrastinating and to learn how to manage a schedual. I would tell myself this becuse now that I am in college I have had to learn how to work out a schedual in order to keep on top of my assignments. I have also had to learn to not put assignments off until the last minute.
I would say you should have taken AP classes. Not lack off as much as I did. To have enjoyed senior year more. Ask the adults more questions.
Hey man take life as it comes. It's full of surprises and obstacles. You never know what is in store for your future so be prepared. Boy Scout motto, right? Sometimes life will get rough, but don't think in the negative, always stay positive and keep your chin up. If at first you don't exactly know what you want to do, don't worry, lots of people are like that. Good things take time, great things happen all at once. One day it may hit you like a train, that you know what you want to do. Grasp that, hold tight, and go for it! Nothing bad can come from trying. Don't ever think you're a failure, you're not. You have so much potential! And lastly, stay active. You may think it's easier to hide from the world and hide your feelings but don't! Get out there! Explore! Meet people, make friends, because in the end love and friendship are the greatest things in life. I hope this helps. If you're ever feeling down, read this. I am sending this in hopes of providing you with motivation!
Your Future Self
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I will tell myself to take my studies and life a little more serious. All the joking and playing around I did in high school was very non sense. I did not like to study in high school. Knowing what I know now, I would be in my books a whole lot more. Since I love to read, I do not have a problem with getting my studies done. With online classes, you must be able to read and write. Now that I am a mature student, I make better grades now than high school. Knowledge do pay off.
Make a decision early on as to what you want to study and be. Set goals and go after them with all your ability. Surround yourself with people that will strengthen, challenge, and encourage you as you pursue your goals. Have fun and make lasting friendships. Work hard now so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor later on in life.
I would tell myself to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize no matter what distractions or temptations are thrown in front of you. There is nothing wrong with going out and having fun with your friends but don't make that more important than going to class and keeping up your good grades. Study harder than you have ever studied in your life and keep telling yourself you can do this. It won't be easy but in the end, you will be better for it because you have accomplished what you set out to do and that was to get your degree. Don't let the lure of fun and freedom take you away from the goals you have set and remember that when all is said and done, you will have much to celebrate. Your education is the most important decision you will ever make and should be your top priority right now. Get your degree and then you can finally let yourself go because you've made it!
I would tell my high school self to stay at Southern Virginia University for all four years and play football rather than take two years off to go on a church mission. The two years took away meant all of the strength and speed I worked for in high school was gone and I was back to square one. Instead of waiting for a math major to be created (which it never was, I would tell myself to major in business and not computer science. With the business degree I could enroll in Liberty's graduate study program from the start instead of having to take a bunch of prerequisite undergraduate courses.