If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take school more seriously. I would sit myself down and have a very stern talk about how if I don't do my best in everything I do and try my hardest that i will end up being a cashier for 2 years before being able to attend a university. I would force myself to make a promise to never do anything half-heartedly and to take full advantage of the oppurtunities that I have in front of me, no matter how small or large it may seem. I would let me know that the little things that I do or do not do now will have a much larger impact on the future than I anticipate. Lastly I would tell myself one of the most important things in this world, i would tell myself that I should never be afraid of failure, and that I should not be ashamed of failure but embrace and learn from it. These are the things I would tell myself.
As a senior in high school student the one thing I would do is study more and push myself harder to complete the challenging classes. As a senior in high school it would have made my life easier if I would have learned to study more. A simple way to being in college and being able to complete each class with a passing grade is studying, and if I was able to go back in time as a senior I would have showed myself how to study. The knowledge and ability to comprehend the assignments in high school would have made these last two years in college easier to understand. The one thing that all students should focus on is studying and with that you could succeed to complete any class as long as your mind is focused. If I was able to push myself harder to achieve a greater grade in most of classes in high school and senior year I would have been able to put my focus in all my classes in college. Being able to have this opportunity to have scholarship money would help me succeed to become a better student in every way.
If I were to go back to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to go with a major that I love. When I started college I was majoring in Elementary Education. It was not long before I found out that I was not interested in it. I knew I wanted to be a missionary and that a teacher would be a good job for that. I learned that God gave me talents and interests to go into exercise science. I learned I can use a major I love and become a missionary as well.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing now what I know about college life and making the transistion I would tell myself to work harder and enjoy life. I would say enjoy what you have now, which is little responsibility, a home cooked meal almost every night and parents who love you unconditionally. I would tell myself to get a job because college is expensive, I might even tell myself to wait a year or go to a community college for two years before going to Liberty. In college you are on your own and responsible for your life more than ever. I would tell myself that God is in control and that he is working through each and every circumstance and that I will learn a lot through this process, even though it hurts now. In the end I would not change anything, for I needed to learn these lessons and to grow into what I am now, which is different than what I was back in high school. I wish I could change things but I would not change it for the world.
I would have worked harder in highschool to earn more scholarships towards my education.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have quite a bit of advice to offer. The first thing I would do is to warn myself not to assume that college classes would be as easy as high school classes. I would advise my former self to spend some time researching the area of study I had my heart set on to make sure it was really what I wanted to do. Finally, since wisdom and hindsight seem to come much later in life due to the lessons we often learn the hard way; I would highly recommend that I not select an area of study based on money. Over the years I have learned that what is in my heart is to teach. Even though it is not financially rewarding it has priceless and lifetime rewards. There are not many “do over” opportunities in life, but when you have the chance to do it all again you need to take it. It might have taken me years to realize what I wanted to do with my life but I am so thankful I never gave up.
First and formost I would tell myself to live in moderation. There is time for all the activities one can imagine, however the most important thing to remember is that you are in college to succeed and make good grades. I would have also made myself save more money before attending school as I paid for my own college and it was very difficult. Those are the main points I would have made to myself going away to school.
The advice I would give my high school self would be to not care about how other high school students look at you. I know it sounds typical, but in high school, you feel like you have to have at least one friend in every class, even if that “friend” is someone who you honestly cannot stand being around. You also feel like you cannot let go of a friendship because the other person might get angry (and high school girls enjoy spreading lies and confidential information about each other). I remember there was one friendship in particular that I held on to just to avoid all of that. But fact is, when you go to college, everyone is starting back at square one. Not many people really care what high school “social class” you were. You can start over and be yourself, not what others try to make you. Best yet, you will always find a group of people who you fit in with and will love you for who you are.
There is no finer teacher than experience. I have only one statement to sum up these experiences. May they serve, not as harsh instruction, but gathered wisdom.
“Work hard when you must, have fun when you can, and know the difference between the two.”
One may say my advice is just about having balance. There will always be some demand to deliver an assignment or prepare for a test. During such events, it is necessary to perform at nothing less than your best. This could mean placing the time aside to study or performing research before beginning an assignment. These times will be the norm during your college career. They should not be the total.
While it may be every parent’s dream to see their child surpass them, simply working hard alone is not enough. In fact, this method alone often leads to physical and mental exhaustion. It may even cause complete loss of interest in your academic pursuits. College is an experience completely unique to any other season in life. Enjoy yourself when you find demands surprisingly light.
Successfully identifying these extremes will ultimately lead you from academia into adulthood.
Don't rush into making a decision about life. Be ok with making mistakes, it's how you learn from them. When your friends go out partying, tell them to call when they've had too much. Don't forget to call your mom every day and tell her thank you. This is the time to learn about the kind of person you want to be. Be true to your friends, love yourself, and don't worry about how you look, it'll work itself out in the end. Don't stress about the little things in life. Don't forget your manners or your cute accent. Jane Austen's stories about love never actually happen. Your sister will make mistakes, but support her even when you disagree. Oliver makes for a great dog.