I would advise myself to prepare myself to study more. My freshman year I did not work on schoolwork like I should have and it reflected in my grades. I quickly learned my lesson after my first semester and have been working to bring my GPA up ever since then. If I could go back I would as hard as I can right at the beginning of school. The work in college is more difficult than in high school so I would go back in time and tell myself to be prepared for that.
If I were to go back in time and give myself advice for college, I wouId first tell myself not to stress out about it. I would then go on to warn myself about going home. It is so easy to just go home on the weekends, especially if you live close by, but it is so important not to. By not going home on the weekends, you make stronger friendships and truly love the college itself more because you aren't just focusing on getting home. Another piece of advice I'd give myself is to stay on top of my work and do it before it is due. A lot of times it's easy to just take a day off when you don't have a lot of homework due the next day, but if you use that time to do something that's due in the future, even if it's not that much, it'll greatly reduce your workload when you get to the due date/
Eric you have a wide world in front of you, do not waste time doing things and jobs that don't appeal to the affiliation needs that you require. Get into college as soon as possible and stop procrastinating like our father did his whole life. Lift yourself from the pond now and evolve into what you truly are; a human being not a zombie walking blindly thru life. You remember the exercise you practiced to teach yourself how to type "Now is the time for all good men to come and aid their country!", well now is the time not tommorrow. Eric please I implore you listen to yourself and heed my advice. The way to come and aid your country is by becoming what you most want in life that makes you happy; consequently, this career may not make most money but you must learn to be content and at peace with yourself so that you can become successful. College is the tool that you need to pull form your shed out of the toolbox and use not your back. Listen to your wife she knows what she is talking about and do this alot sooner ok. TTFN.
Keep going in the direction you are going. Everything you work for now will get you where you need to be, don't give into worry because God has set you on the right path. There will be obstacles to come but you can overcome them, you always have. And be sure to do the most you can regarding scholarships to secure your enrollment in school. It will seem like a lot rushing over you all at once but within a few days you will find college life is the best thing that has ever happened to you. And like I said before, God will always be there no matter what, you will be tried many times but it will all work out for his plan and that is the main focus you should have for the rest of your life, more of him and less of you.
Rhonda, now that you are a high school senior, let me give you some advice on what you should know for college.
First of all, know your worth. Know that you have a purpose and a design that is bigger than you can ever imagine so don’t let anyone steal your dreams away. Secondly, never give up on your plans. Even the greatest plans have dark moments which make one feel like surrendering; don’t forsake them. Finally, and most importantly, surround yourself with wise counsel. You don’t need to seek approval from anyone, but you do need seek advice so that you can make solid, informed decisions. Do the research and put the information before your support team so they can confirm your findings, or lead you in an area you may have overlooked. Your value, perseverance and circle of influence will be your greatest assets for success.
Now go and pursue your passions and dreams and take them to the ends of the world. The work will be worth your time and your success will be reciprocal to your effort. Remember; regret you may things you have done, regret more the things you have not.
If I could go back to my high school senior self I would give myself almost the same advice everyone else seemed to be giving me, instead of marrying a military man and taking a year off of school just go to school and get that first year done and out of the way. At the time I did not realize with moving across the country from everything I had always known and changing my last name how much more difficult it would be to go to school and get the financial aid I needed. I did not realize that all the opportunities and assistance I was given during my senior year would not always be there. So knowing what I know now and all the time and money that has been wasted, I would tell myself to get enrolled in school and take advantage of all the opportunities and assistance I had at the time to enroll in a school where I could attend right away and still follow my husband’s military career.
I would tell my past self to remember the reason you chose the University you did. Set goals for yourself and do not lose sight of whats important. Sometimes the transition can be rough but do not fret, itll get better in the long haul. Find a solid group of friends quick, and remember you are not the only Freshman who will be experiencing a bit of a culture shock. Make the most of the opportunities you encounter and do/try the things you love or are interested in. Always GO to class and work very hard to get good grades. Remember that whatever effort you put into each class will reflect at the end of the semester. Learn time management skills and it will benefit you tremendously in the long run. In the end if you put the work in you will be very proud of the results.
Hello self, it is time to begin thinking about college and goals for your future. This will the most important decision you will have to face at this time of your life and you should not be too quick to decide where you will go. First and foremost, don't go to a school just because everyone is going there or because it is really close to home. Think about your future, the next 4 years or more will make a tremendous impact on your worldview. Now is not the time to know everything, even though for the first time in life, it seems very much like you are on top of the world. That will all change quickly in a few short months. You will be challenged and tested, even tempted. Who are you and what kind of person do you want to be? The next few years may shake the very foundation you stand on. Make a list of what is most important to you. Pick the school that most aligns with your values. Ask questions, be respectful, work hard, be a friend, and thank those that have helped you along the way. So long self...
I would say that college is very difficult, do not under estimate it. However, college can be one of the best times in your life. You make longlasting friendships, and it is the first real step in entering adulthood. If I could go back and do anything differently, I would have taken my grades more seriously and would have not wasted away my highschool experiences because they go by way to fast. I think many times highschool students waste away the moments of their senior year because they are so eager to go to college. We seem to forget how fast time flys, and to make the best of your memories. I also would have told myself to not worry so much about transitioning into another school. I use to be so scared of coming to college, I guess i was afraid of not being able to handle the work and the stress. Since being at Liberty University I have never been happier, I no longer have fear for the days to come, for those days will take care of themselves. I thank God every day for the life that he has given me here on this earth.
I would tell myself that I needed to look for scholarships much more than I did. I did nothing to look for money to pay for school; I just expected the scholarships to come to me because of my grades. I would tell myself to be constantly looking for any scholarship I could possibly qualify for, because now I'm rushing to find all the ones I can for next semester. I would also tell myself to be ready for a whole new set of diverse people. This is a large Christian university, and I was not ready for such a difference in environment coming from a graduating class of two. Finally, I would tell myself to be excited because college life is amazing!